No | Sentence | 1 | My parents used to give me a lot of money when | was young so that | could buy toys and games. |
2 | Like attracts like. If you find one successful person, you will find more through that person. |
3 | A regular customer who lives in the neighborhood eats only vegetables and lives a healthy life. |
4 | The air around the earth protects the earth from comets, asteroids, and radiation from the sun. |
5 | With a large naval base in San Diego, you can often see military aircraft flying over San Diego. |
6 | You're right, but if you turn left now, you'll need to wait three minutes to make the left turn. |
7 | If I were you, I would stay away from that project. It's a hot potato everyone is trying to avoid. |
8 | There is no right or wrong to send a gift without a card. It's just better to send it with a card. |
9 | Philadelphia is the most populous city in Pennsylvania and the fifth most populous city in America. |
10 | According to Professor Duckworth, the most important factor to success is not education. It?s grit. |
11 | may not help you. The success formula is an old formula that worked 3000 years ago and works today. |
12 | We used to have a dog named Spol when we were Kids, but we gave him away when we moved out of our house. |
13 | Those who write down their goals become much more successful than those who don't write down their goals. |
14 | I think that's a good idea! I've never thought of using a water filter. Where did you buy it? Home Depot. |
15 | If you know how to do something extremely well and you use it to achieve a goal, you?ll become successful. |
16 | Then force the air out to pronounce the sound. Remember, your front teeth must be touching your lower lip. |
17 | The u in under is pronounced as uh. Under. It is NOT pronounced as ah, Ahn der. It's pronounced as Uhn der. |
18 | Think and Grow Rich may have been an old book, but it has been the bestselling book in personal achievement. |
19 | I thought irises were only blue, but when the florist showed me some red irises, my eyes rounded in surprise. |
20 | When your children ask for soda instead of milk, do not give in. Milk is good for them. Soda is bad for them. |
21 | Well! Drink a glass of warm water every hour and take plenty of rests, and you'll feel well after three days. |
22 | A small bottle of Dayquails will stop your running nose. Twelve glasses of water a day will help you recover. |
23 | Like other languages, the English language used to be a small language, but it has become a big language today. |
24 | Choose from whole milk, low-fat milk, and skim milk. Low-fat milk has 2% or under 2% fat. Skim milk has no fat. |
25 | Home to one of the largest concentrations of military bases, San Antonio has become known as "Military City, USA. |
26 | I go with the second. When there are obstacles in front of me, I?ll go around them and then get back to my target. |
27 | What sound do you like the most, the sound of a subway train, the sound of your voice, or the sound of your heart? |
28 | It takes time to do grocery shopping. I always take along a shopping list and quickly grab the things on the list. |
29 | I hold the copyrights to this book. I sold the digital rights to Amazon and kept the audio rights and print rights. |
30 | San Diego has a mild climate year-round while Fairbanks, Alaska's average winter temperature is -17 degrees Fahrenheit. |
31 | The supermarket was unknown to any when it was first opened, but it's well known to everyone today in the neighborhood. |
32 | The s in this is pronounced as z with vibration also. This is pronounced as, listen for the vibrations, this, this, this. |
33 | You'll make more friends in a day by talking about the things they like than in a year by talking about the things you like. |
34 | Yes. It?s a good place for quality produce. It won first place in food quality and customer service of the region last year. |
35 | It's okay to say beefore. We normally stress on fore, and be sounds like just the sound of b. The whole word becomes before. |
36 | Thomas Edison, one of the most famous inventors who invented the electric light bulb, had only three months of formal education. |
37 | For our potluck party tomorrow. We've got to bring something. I'm good at making sandwiches, so let's get some lettuce and tomatoes. |
38 | I've thought about the same thing, too. A friend introduced to me to use a water filter. It's much cheaper than buying bottled water. |
39 | There are three types of people, those who don?t know what?s happened, those who watch things happen, and those who make things happen. |
40 | Good idea! I've gotten into a habit of eating green vegetables and I'm getting healthier and healthier. Let's make some veggie sandwiches. |
41 | Touch your lower lip with your front teeth then make the sound, v. Now when there is a v at the end, the ? sound will be longer. Have, have, have. |