No | Sentence | 1 | She committed herself I finding a new job. |
2 | Wealways agree othe best course of action. |
3 | You'll feel better with this orange juice. |
4 | The army has attacked that city two times. |
5 | I would like to go to the cinema with you. |
6 | I would be very happy if you were my wife. |
7 | I wish he would come to the party with us. |
8 | Can you tell me how to get to the library? |
9 | I used to lke sports, but now | hate them! |
10 | What responsibilities do you have at work? |
11 | There is a R sound at the end. Or, or, or. |
12 | Temperatures range from 50 to 110 degrees. |
13 | Work hours were from eight-thirty to five. |
14 | Everyone but him wants to go to the party. |
15 | How do you say excellent in your language? |
16 | Einstein said, it's okay to make mistakes. |
17 | One person asked, Where did you come from? |
18 | One way to write is to use our right hand. |
19 | How many brothers and sisters do you have? |
20 | I like the warm weather of the west coast. |
21 | Would you like to ask him to come with us? |
22 | of your voice, or the sound of your heart? |
23 | The floral department is a three-man team. |
24 | He always mans his station professionally. |
25 | This plant is going to take years to grow. |
26 | flowers and would grow into little bushes. |
27 | Please keep the goods storage area locked. |
28 | th customer today. You'll receive our free |
29 | We've finally gone through the busy hours. |
30 | He's an alcoholic. He can't help drinking. |
31 | The meaning of being mean is not generous. |
32 | Mom always does the cooking for breakfast. |
33 | Earth is protected by a thin layer of air. |
34 | What time does the meeting start tomorrow? |
35 | I'm going to my friend's wedding tomorrow. |
36 | She is wearing a suit made from pure silk. |
37 | She is learning a new language these days. |
38 | The little bird is eating a grain of rice. |
39 | The elephant is playing with the umbrella. |
40 | She said that she wanted to learn English. |
41 | m going to complain i the manager abo this. |
42 | ?Susan associates chocolate ?II: childhood. |
43 | ?The officer charged Mr. John ?I blackmail. |
44 | How kind of school do you want to study at? |
45 | Iwill see you tomorrow, please wait for me. |
46 | My sister has lost the key to the bathroom. |
47 | I'm going to be a published author someday. |
48 | We had better leave before the police come. |
49 | You had better wait until the fireman come. |
50 | Will you go abroad after you finish school? |
51 | What do you like most about where you live? |
52 | He?s one of the people who have big dreams. |
53 | It's a hot topic everyone is talking about. |
54 | There are about 200 countries in the world. |
55 | from, I need to choose one accent to learn. |
56 | Are you willing to practice for six months? |
57 | If you do your homework, then you'll be OK. |
58 | I'll build my dreams with my own two hands. |
59 | day makes a huge difference 180 days later. |
60 | around them and then get back to my target. |
61 | population. Who wants to visit San Antonio? |
62 | There are rarely any clouds over San Diego. |
63 | Canada is a little bit bigger than America. |
64 | Part of my job is to make things look nice. |
65 | When the police arrived, she gave a relief. |
66 | The dairy department is under construction. |
67 | The customer came in through the left door. |
68 | Put the mixture into a form and let it dry. |
69 | The borderline between the U.S. and Canada. |
70 | Finishing your homework means a lot to you. |
71 | You got it right. This is the right answer. |
72 | The sinking of the Titanic set me thinking. |
73 | She played Dorothy in The Wizard of The Oz. |
74 | They ended the conversation with a goodbye. |
75 | What three things can you not live without? |
76 | Do you have any pets? What are their names? |
77 | What kind of music do you want to dance to? |
78 | The man was being a positive embarrassment. |
79 | He is studying how children learn to speak. |
80 | Everyone likes my father. He's a happy man. |
81 | You have listened to Madonna in the concert. |
82 | John will be writing a letter to her sister. |
83 | He wants to paint his girlfriend's portrait. |
84 | I would prefer to go to the cinema with you. |
85 | I used to have a dog, but he died last year. |
86 | We had better utilize our natural resources. |
87 | My parents and relatives called me Yoon-Jin. |
88 | I?ll think about it. What about you, George? |
89 | The teacher came and then the students came. |
90 | Do you know them? Talk to them and you will. |
91 | It would be nice to see the sun at midnight. |
92 | Look at the midnight sun! Welcome to Alaska! |
93 | What's the speed limit in New York City? 30. |
94 | I've been working here for three months now. |
95 | Where do you live? I live around the corner. |
96 | She always drinks a cup of tea after dinner. |
97 | I was thinking to buy five roses after work. |
98 | Give 100% and see what you'll get in return. |
99 | These are the very words from our customers. |
100 | I just found it. This is just the right one. |
101 | These are the very words from the customers. |
102 | Many states have stopped the death sentence. |
103 | A set of numbers were printed on the bottle. |
104 | She slept well after taking the cough drops. |
105 | Which makes a better pet? Cats or dogs? 3 Ha |
106 | Which is better? Tap water or bottled water? |
107 | Who would you most ike to meet in real life? |
108 | Where would you most like to go on vacation? |
109 | Something positive has come out of it at ast |
110 | I will see you tomorrow, please wait for me. |
111 | The apple tree is in the front of the house. |
112 | You can choose from a wide range of vehicles. |
113 | When can I get the answer to these questions? |
114 | Tomorrow, My father will apply for a new job. |
115 | She will be a successful engineer in 3 years. |
116 | You have grown since the last time I saw you. |
117 | Have they played the piano? No, they haven't. |
118 | I wouldn't mind going to the cinema with you. |
119 | He used to play football when he was younger. |
120 | But, having been made, it had better be kept. |
121 | We had better buy travel insurance this time. |
122 | What sort of nation might you want to ive in? |
123 | Has your job changed a lot in the past years? |
124 | What is the neighborhood like where you live? |
125 | Tell me about a bad travel experience you had |
126 | leit betr fo avelby yours, or win thers? Why? |
127 | I arrived at 250 Main Street at five o'clock. |
128 | He had twelve drinks and tried to drive home. |
129 | I had to stop him and drove him home instead. |
130 | How many books do you have today? I have two. |
131 | There are many ways we can become successful. |
132 | Another way to write is to use our left hand. |
133 | Northern Canada has a long and bright summer. |
134 | Yes, there are some potatoes left over there. |
135 | Floral is in the front. Dairy is in the back. |
136 | We're low on food. Let's go shop for grocery. |
137 | My son just turned nine. How old is your son? |
138 | A boy's play is different than a girl's play. |
139 | The Titanic was ready to set sail to America. |
140 | Mommy wants you to stay with me when we shop. |
141 | They watched the game all the way to the end. |
142 | Homework should be banned. Agree or disagree? |
143 | Which is a better dessert? Cake or ice cream? |
144 | What is the best gift you have ever received? |
145 | What subjects do you like the most at school? |
146 | What s the strangest dream you have ever had? |
147 | insist on Jo's stdying every day fo two hours. |
148 | They will write a letter to their best friend. |
149 | Iwill miss you when you move to another countr |
150 | It was cooler at night, so I brought a jacket. |
151 | This is out of this world. I?ll take two more. |
152 | We?ll either find a way out or make a way out. |
153 | All they need to do is to learn it and use it. |
154 | If I were you, I would live on the west coast. |
155 | My city is the second largest city in America. |
156 | You know it well. It's time to get them again. |
157 | Charles Darwin of England lived 200 years ago. |
158 | Is the floral department in the front or back? |
159 | I shopped for a little for some flower plants. |
160 | Here is your whole milk. I got me a skim milk. |
161 | This is a big event. It'll lure the big names. |
162 | He said alcohol. I said soda. What do you say? |
163 | Keep your goal before you and keep working it. |
164 | Boy! That's a lot of work we?ve just finished. |
165 | lunch. Dad always does the cooking for dinner. |
166 | animals they're playing with are live animals. |
167 | How can you vavel, but no spond oo much money? |
168 | Should teachers have to wear a school uniform? |
169 | Who would play you in a movie about your life? |
170 | What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any? |
171 | What were you really into when you were a kid? |
172 | Who was the president of this country in I960? |
173 | It works like magic. I learned it in the book. |
174 | The day that I came to America was a cold day. |
175 | They have been in your pocket for a whole day. |
176 | Which one is your kid performing on the stage? |
177 | Please, bring a pinch of salt from your mother. |
178 | I will be going to the office at 8 am tomorrow. |
179 | He will be trying to learn the french language. |
180 | Sara would prefer to go to the cinema with you. |
181 | He used to be a doctor, but now he's an artist. |
182 | They had better be here before we start dinner. |
183 | If they would rather die, they had better do it |
184 | Who finished your meal today, raise your hands? |
185 | What can be improved in the area that you live? |
186 | It's a hot dish. It's cooked with chili pepper. |
187 | How nice it is to speak more than one language. |
188 | Each and every one of us can become successful. |
189 | One more thing to think about is the time zone. |
190 | California's mild winter is just right for him. |
191 | America has nine times more people than Canada. |
192 | My name is Yoon-Jin. My friends called me Jack. |
193 | Fresh produce is from the hard work of farmers. |
194 | Everyone in this neighborhood lives in harmony. |
195 | I live around the corner. This is where I live. |
196 | The first round of delivery was in early March. |
197 | The assistant showed me how to plant the seeds. |
198 | Here is whole milk for you. I got me skim milk. |
199 | Looks like you didn't get much sleep yesterday. |
200 | I may be 97 years old, but my heart is just 20. |