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Simple Sentence Examples

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1 She committed herself I finding a new job.
2 Wealways agree othe best course of action.
3 You'll feel better with this orange juice.
4 The army has attacked that city two times.
5 I would like to go to the cinema with you.
6 I would be very happy if you were my wife.
7 I wish he would come to the party with us.
8 Can you tell me how to get to the library?
9 I used to lke sports, but now | hate them!
10 What responsibilities do you have at work?
11 There is a R sound at the end. Or, or, or.
12 Temperatures range from 50 to 110 degrees.
13 Work hours were from eight-thirty to five.
14 Everyone but him wants to go to the party.
15 How do you say excellent in your language?
16 Einstein said, it's okay to make mistakes.
17 One person asked, Where did you come from?
18 One way to write is to use our right hand.
19 How many brothers and sisters do you have?
20 I like the warm weather of the west coast.
21 Would you like to ask him to come with us?
22 of your voice, or the sound of your heart?
23 The floral department is a three-man team.
24 He always mans his station professionally.
25 This plant is going to take years to grow.
26 flowers and would grow into little bushes.
27 Please keep the goods storage area locked.
28 th customer today. You'll receive our free
29 We've finally gone through the busy hours.
30 He's an alcoholic. He can't help drinking.
31 The meaning of being mean is not generous.
32 Mom always does the cooking for breakfast.
33 Earth is protected by a thin layer of air.
34 What time does the meeting start tomorrow?
35 I'm going to my friend's wedding tomorrow.
36 She is wearing a suit made from pure silk.
37 She is learning a new language these days.
38 The little bird is eating a grain of rice.
39 The elephant is playing with the umbrella.
40 She said that she wanted to learn English.
41 m going to complain i the manager abo this.
42 ?Susan associates chocolate ?II: childhood.
43 ?The officer charged Mr. John ?I blackmail.
44 How kind of school do you want to study at?
45 Iwill see you tomorrow, please wait for me.
46 My sister has lost the key to the bathroom.
47 I'm going to be a published author someday.
48 We had better leave before the police come.
49 You had better wait until the fireman come.
50 Will you go abroad after you finish school?
51 What do you like most about where you live?
52 He?s one of the people who have big dreams.
53 It's a hot topic everyone is talking about.
54 There are about 200 countries in the world.
55 from, I need to choose one accent to learn.
56 Are you willing to practice for six months?
57 If you do your homework, then you'll be OK.
58 I'll build my dreams with my own two hands.
59 day makes a huge difference 180 days later.
60 around them and then get back to my target.
61 population. Who wants to visit San Antonio?
62 There are rarely any clouds over San Diego.
63 Canada is a little bit bigger than America.
64 Part of my job is to make things look nice.
65 When the police arrived, she gave a relief.
66 The dairy department is under construction.
67 The customer came in through the left door.
68 Put the mixture into a form and let it dry.
69 The borderline between the U.S. and Canada.
70 Finishing your homework means a lot to you.
71 You got it right. This is the right answer.
72 The sinking of the Titanic set me thinking.
73 She played Dorothy in The Wizard of The Oz.
74 They ended the conversation with a goodbye.
75 What three things can you not live without?
76 Do you have any pets? What are their names?
77 What kind of music do you want to dance to?
78 The man was being a positive embarrassment.
79 He is studying how children learn to speak.
80 Everyone likes my father. He's a happy man.
81 You have listened to Madonna in the concert.
82 John will be writing a letter to her sister.
83 He wants to paint his girlfriend's portrait.
84 I would prefer to go to the cinema with you.
85 I used to have a dog, but he died last year.
86 We had better utilize our natural resources.
87 My parents and relatives called me Yoon-Jin.
88 I?ll think about it. What about you, George?
89 The teacher came and then the students came.
90 Do you know them? Talk to them and you will.
91 It would be nice to see the sun at midnight.
92 Look at the midnight sun! Welcome to Alaska!
93 What's the speed limit in New York City? 30.
94 I've been working here for three months now.
95 Where do you live? I live around the corner.
96 She always drinks a cup of tea after dinner.
97 I was thinking to buy five roses after work.
98 Give 100% and see what you'll get in return.
99 These are the very words from our customers.
100 I just found it. This is just the right one.
101 These are the very words from the customers.
102 Many states have stopped the death sentence.
103 A set of numbers were printed on the bottle.
104 She slept well after taking the cough drops.
105 Which makes a better pet? Cats or dogs? 3 Ha
106 Which is better? Tap water or bottled water?
107 Who would you most ike to meet in real life?
108 Where would you most like to go on vacation?
109 Something positive has come out of it at ast
110 I will see you tomorrow, please wait for me.
111 The apple tree is in the front of the house.
112 You can choose from a wide range of vehicles.
113 When can I get the answer to these questions?
114 Tomorrow, My father will apply for a new job.
115 She will be a successful engineer in 3 years.
116 You have grown since the last time I saw you.
117 Have they played the piano? No, they haven't.
118 I wouldn't mind going to the cinema with you.
119 He used to play football when he was younger.
120 But, having been made, it had better be kept.
121 We had better buy travel insurance this time.
122 What sort of nation might you want to ive in?
123 Has your job changed a lot in the past years?
124 What is the neighborhood like where you live?
125 Tell me about a bad travel experience you had
126 leit betr fo avelby yours, or win thers? Why?
127 I arrived at 250 Main Street at five o'clock.
128 He had twelve drinks and tried to drive home.
129 I had to stop him and drove him home instead.
130 How many books do you have today? I have two.
131 There are many ways we can become successful.
132 Another way to write is to use our left hand.
133 Northern Canada has a long and bright summer.
134 Yes, there are some potatoes left over there.
135 Floral is in the front. Dairy is in the back.
136 We're low on food. Let's go shop for grocery.
137 My son just turned nine. How old is your son?
138 A boy's play is different than a girl's play.
139 The Titanic was ready to set sail to America.
140 Mommy wants you to stay with me when we shop.
141 They watched the game all the way to the end.
142 Homework should be banned. Agree or disagree?
143 Which is a better dessert? Cake or ice cream?
144 What is the best gift you have ever received?
145 What subjects do you like the most at school?
146 What s the strangest dream you have ever had?
147 insist on Jo's stdying every day fo two hours.
148 They will write a letter to their best friend.
149 Iwill miss you when you move to another countr
150 It was cooler at night, so I brought a jacket.
151 This is out of this world. I?ll take two more.
152 We?ll either find a way out or make a way out.
153 All they need to do is to learn it and use it.
154 If I were you, I would live on the west coast.
155 My city is the second largest city in America.
156 You know it well. It's time to get them again.
157 Charles Darwin of England lived 200 years ago.
158 Is the floral department in the front or back?
159 I shopped for a little for some flower plants.
160 Here is your whole milk. I got me a skim milk.
161 This is a big event. It'll lure the big names.
162 He said alcohol. I said soda. What do you say?
163 Keep your goal before you and keep working it.
164 Boy! That's a lot of work we?ve just finished.
165 lunch. Dad always does the cooking for dinner.
166 animals they're playing with are live animals.
167 How can you vavel, but no spond oo much money?
168 Should teachers have to wear a school uniform?
169 Who would play you in a movie about your life?
170 What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?
171 What were you really into when you were a kid?
172 Who was the president of this country in I960?
173 It works like magic. I learned it in the book.
174 The day that I came to America was a cold day.
175 They have been in your pocket for a whole day.
176 Which one is your kid performing on the stage?
177 Please, bring a pinch of salt from your mother.
178 I will be going to the office at 8 am tomorrow.
179 He will be trying to learn the french language.
180 Sara would prefer to go to the cinema with you.
181 He used to be a doctor, but now he's an artist.
182 They had better be here before we start dinner.
183 If they would rather die, they had better do it
184 Who finished your meal today, raise your hands?
185 What can be improved in the area that you live?
186 It's a hot dish. It's cooked with chili pepper.
187 How nice it is to speak more than one language.
188 Each and every one of us can become successful.
189 One more thing to think about is the time zone.
190 California's mild winter is just right for him.
191 America has nine times more people than Canada.
192 My name is Yoon-Jin. My friends called me Jack.
193 Fresh produce is from the hard work of farmers.
194 Everyone in this neighborhood lives in harmony.
195 I live around the corner. This is where I live.
196 The first round of delivery was in early March.
197 The assistant showed me how to plant the seeds.
198 Here is whole milk for you. I got me skim milk.
199 Looks like you didn't get much sleep yesterday.
200 I may be 97 years old, but my heart is just 20.

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