No | Sentence | 1 | A hundred of 50000 English words. |
2 | I want to learn to speak English. |
3 | He was in school for eight hours. |
4 | The one with a smile on her face. |
5 | They set their goal years before. |
6 | This work is not suitable for you. |
7 | really admire you fo your courage. |
8 | John succeded in geting a new job. |
9 | Please don't involve me this mess. |
10 | She asked I to see Professor John. |
11 | ?The swimmer ererged fro the lake. |
12 | Could you stay away from my stuff? |
13 | Will you please help me with this? |
14 | Which do you prefer, white or red? |
15 | Do you have a lot of friends here? |
16 | Shall we go on vacation next week? |
17 | We will paint our house next week. |
18 | Will it be windy tomorrow morning? |
19 | My baby has slept since all night. |
20 | People have not traveled to Venus. |
21 | They haven't lived here for years. |
22 | Jim practices the piano every day. |
23 | | used to go camping every summer. |
24 | Where was your school, | want to ? |
25 | From no English to fluent English. |
26 | Are we in the right time to study? |
27 | Student: Can I go to the bathroom? |
28 | That's a wonderful dream you have. |
29 | Which accent do you want to learn? |
30 | It's time to begin our experiment. |
31 | It's that time again. Let's do it. |
32 | Alaska has a long and dark winter. |
33 | My English is improving every day. |
34 | San Jose is a city close to water. |
35 | I always look at the people first. |
36 | After a while, you get used to it. |
37 | Everything in this store is fresh. |
38 | Carnations were back in the store. |
39 | There is a creek under the bridge. |
40 | It's very easy to forget about it. |
41 | How many would you like? Just one. |
42 | When is a good time to drink milk? |
43 | You are right! I'll be right back. |
44 | I always do the cooking for lunch. |
45 | What's your favorite kind of food? |
46 | How are you navigating these days? |
47 | You're the one who gets to decide. |
48 | What do you think of this product? |
49 | When did he last go to the doctor? |
50 | The tree is in front of the house. |
51 | Did you finish the homework today? |
52 | The word that you've just learned. |
53 | He writes down something on paper. |
54 | He owes the shopkeeper fifty rupees |
55 | Try alittle self-control. /Be calm. |
56 | What time does the next tain leave? |
57 | John attended the grocery shopping. |
58 | He complies I each and every order. |
59 | Itis time to take meals, get ready. |
60 | Who was the last person to see you? |
61 | As the tree falls, so shall it lie. |
62 | I will stay at home at the weekend. |
63 | They will be traveling by airplane. |
64 | They will be working in the office. |
65 | She drove her sister's car to work. |
66 | What kind of things do you recycle? |
67 | Do you onioy aveling? Why? /Whynot? |
68 | What will you be planning for life? |
69 | I have a new friend who is unusual. |
70 | I drove by your house this morning. |
71 | I go by Jack in school and at work. |
72 | Do you want to stay in or stay out? |
73 | I?m sorry. I?m completely sold out. |
74 | These apples are about five pounds. |
75 | These cities are hot in the summer. |
76 | Canada has long days in the summer. |
77 | Come to Earth to get what you want. |
78 | Let's wrap it up and call it a day. |
79 | How long have you been to the U.S.? |
80 | I've been learning for three years. |
81 | What do you mean? I didn't get you. |
82 | Where there's a will there's a way. |
83 | It must have been doing a good job. |
84 | Yeah! You?ve listened to that, too? |
85 | Give it a try and see what happens. |
86 | Have you given the baby a name yet? |
87 | America is a just and free society. |
88 | Right on! We're on the right track. |
89 | You do want to go there, don't you? |
90 | I mean the weather is so hot today. |
91 | Do you have any napkins? Yes, I do. |
92 | No, mom! I want to sit on the cart. |
93 | Let's learn these words in context. |
94 | What's your favorite book or movie? |
95 | Describe your ideal birthday party. |
96 | I'm looking for a new book to read. |
97 | You're in charge of this decision.. |
98 | I'm looking forward to your update. |
99 | Please don't hesitate to update me. |
100 | What three words best describe you? |
101 | What would be your perfect weekend? |
102 | How long will it take to get there? |
103 | How much money do they make a year? |
104 | His whole family knows he loves you |
105 | How much does a cup of coffee cost? |
106 | What is the value of this painting? |
107 | Rohan is doing two jobs these days. |
108 | It doesn?t rain here in the summer. |
109 | She doesn?t study German on Monday. |
110 | It snows a lot in winter in Russia. |
111 | My car does 40 miles to the gallon. |
112 | Milk and cheese help you grow tall. |
113 | the glass? Half full or half empty? |
114 | I?m looking for my eclipse glasses. |
115 | Ask someone if they wanted to vote. |
116 | Why was Chris not in work yesterday? |
117 | I'm not responsible for what he did. |
118 | She / He was tired of running about. |
119 | There is less salt in the vegetable. |
120 | Could you show me your answer sheet? |
121 | Oh, I am sorry. I have got a bit lat |
122 | I have studied at home for one hour. |
123 | We will be swimming when you return. |
124 | Frank had better not take out loans. |
125 | Is it a popular job in your country? |
126 | Did you recycle when you were a kid? |
127 | native language. We help each other. |
128 | Work days are from Monday to Friday. |
129 | Would you like this one or that one? |
130 | House price was a hot issue in 2007. |
131 | This is hot food. That is cold food. |
132 | will take actions to get my results. |
133 | These states are cold in the winter. |
134 | I'll be more than happy to help you. |
135 | Do you know what state is Dallas in? |
136 | I turned around to find her smiling. |
137 | This plant will have little flowers. |
138 | irises, my eyes rounded in surprise. |
139 | iPhone gained a name for innovation. |
140 | Walk through the crowd to stand out. |
141 | good for them. Soda is bad for them. |
142 | How much water should I drink a day? |
143 | That is a touching story. I'm moved. |
144 | move. It was a big decision to make. |
145 | What time is it? It's three o'clock. |
146 | Clowns are scary. Agree or disagree? |
147 | How would your friends describe you? |
148 | I'm planning to cook dinner tonight. |
149 | What do you do to get rid of stress? |
150 | What kind of an animal is a dolphin? |
151 | When did you buy your car last year? |
152 | Who's in charge of this project now? |
153 | What did you do yesterday afternoon? |
154 | Tom is visiting New York next month, |
155 | What are you studying at university? |
156 | The plane is flying over the clouds. |
157 | Toronto is in the north of New York. |
158 | Again, there's a R sound at the end. |
159 | His English is improving day-by-day. |
160 | Something awful happened i+ your car. |
161 | Don't have water on an empty stomach. |
162 | Girls do not want to stay in the gum. |
163 | How do you manage to laugh like this? |
164 | She will be watching a lot of videos. |
165 | We have broccoli in the refrigerator. |
166 | The cat wouldn't go into its carrier. |
167 | I wish she would play tennis with me. |
168 | Can you tell me what that word means? |
169 | What countries have you travelled to? |
170 | Why don't some people like to travel? |
171 | Do you have any brothers and sisters? |
172 | Work days were from Monday to Friday. |
173 | The teachers were sitting right here. |
174 | The story will make your heart smile. |
175 | How did you like your trip to Europe? |
176 | If it rains, we'll bring an umbrella. |
177 | Canada has long nights in the winter. |
178 | Location is one thing to think about. |
179 | Are you a teacher? No. I'm a student. |
180 | Do you know the population of Dallas? |
181 | Does anyone have the time? It's 3:30. |
182 | He said his English isn't any better. |
183 | Heads up, guys. We've got work to do. |
184 | They're planted on round flower pots. |
185 | The man of the shop is a Harvard man. |
186 | Milk or water? Give him milk, please. |
187 | Could you help me to find a good one? |
188 | Should we take turns to take a break? |
189 | away. It'll only take you 10 seconds. |
190 | Please tell him to bring the picture. |
191 | She's the right person to do the job. |
192 | Do you plano travel soon? yes. where? |
193 | Are you an early bird or a night owl? |
194 | Can you speak a little slower please? |
195 | The power to choose is in your hands. |
196 | Please let me know what you find out. |
197 | What's the most useful thing you own? |
198 | How many topics do you have to study? |
199 | What do you think about this subject? |
200 | I'm as positive as I can be about it. |