No | Sentence | 1 | Why are so scared of me? |
2 | lost my wallet last week |
3 | The dogs belong to them. |
4 | He will take it himself. |
5 | The dog can walk itself. |
6 | The soldiers killed him. |
7 | She was about to go out. |
8 | They are about to start. |
9 | You're wrong about that. |
10 | What shall I do with it? |
11 | She goes to work by car. |
12 | She swims every morning. |
13 | I don?t wash the dishes. |
14 | It was raining until 10. |
15 | Two or more objects they |
16 | Where is the post office? |
17 | Where do you want fo go? |
18 | What do you want fo eat? |
19 | She did not say anything. |
20 | You will not do it again. |
21 | I will show you who I am. |
22 | It must not happen again. |
23 | Have you wound the watch. |
24 | This doesn't behoove you. |
25 | What do you want from me? |
26 | My watch is out of order. |
27 | Fetch water from the well |
28 | Anna decided 5c hr goals. |
29 | John believes + oat bran. |
30 | I will try my level best. |
31 | What are you doing today? |
32 | Thank you for the advice. |
33 | Improve your handwriting. |
34 | Please give me your hand. |
35 | Have your dinner with me. |
36 | I feel sad for your loss. |
37 | Does she have black hair? |
38 | What does that word mean? |
39 | Shall I call Samuel back? |
40 | Shall I get you a wallet? |
41 | Let?s go early, shall we? |
42 | He will love her forever. |
43 | He will call me tomorrow. |
44 | We've forgotten the milk. |
45 | John is a police officer. |
46 | I used to walk to school. |
47 | I used to play basketball |
48 | I'll stop by later today. |
49 | They were here until ten. |
50 | Sales were up last month. |
51 | A seventeen-day vacation. |
52 | An eighteen-day vacation. |
53 | Each and every one of us. |
54 | Apples are 25 cents each. |
55 | Can you give this to him? |
56 | Would you like some more? |
57 | Come to America to study. |
58 | Tomorrow has yet to come. |
59 | How long did it take you? |
60 | What?s your phone number? |
61 | populous city in America. |
62 | Rich is better than poor. |
63 | Who made that phone call? |
64 | Do you have any potatoes? |
65 | Yes. That would be great! |
66 | The day before yesterday. |
67 | We can meet before lunch. |
68 | My boy is nine years old. |
69 | Does he have any napkins? |
70 | Let's use these 10 words. |
71 | That is the right answer. |
72 | Did you take two tablets? |
73 | This is a small pharmacy. |
74 | What's the wifi password? |
75 | Do you have any siblings? |
76 | | have a lot on my plate. |
77 | Things are really hectic. |
78 | You are absolutely right. |
79 | have a lot to talk about. |
80 | I would like you to meet. |
81 | How about going swimming? |
82 | How do you feel about it? |
83 | I'am about to leave here. |
84 | I want to think about it. |
85 | I'm crazy about football. |
86 | I'm serious about my job. |
87 | It's about time to start. |
88 | Let's go early, shall we? |
89 | Shall I come next Sunday? |
90 | When shall we meet again? |
91 | Shall I close the window? |
92 | How can | help you today? |
93 | Shall | call Samuel back? |
94 | The children are at home. |
95 | Where is the rescue team? |
96 | The boy knows he's loved. |
97 | What are you looking for? |
98 | The test is on Wednesday. |
99 | Where were you yesterday? |
100 | I will keep an eye on you. |
101 | I didn't talk to anybody. |
102 | I don't wait for anybody. |
103 | Are you expecting anybody? |
104 | Rod is the logic of fools. |
105 | Get ready to go to school. |
106 | Stop making so much noise. |
107 | Hope to see you next time. |
108 | It's Ok for him, isn't it? |
109 | Can boron a hammer II you? |
110 | Don't expect sympathy [mel |
111 | Shes working on new novel. |
112 | You are my responsibility. |
113 | Thank you for inviting us. |
114 | Who is your class teacher? |
115 | I's none of your business. |
116 | Which pickles do you have? |
117 | What is there for dessert? |
118 | What do you like the most? |
119 | Ilove to play video games. |
120 | He has been to the market. |
121 | He is so called a teacher. |
122 | Where can I see you again? |
123 | Who is coming to the play? |
124 | How many sisters have you? |
125 | What time is it there now? |
126 | Shall I cook dinner today? |
127 | When shall I come for you? |
128 | He will help you tomorrow. |
129 | It hasn't drunk the water. |
130 | Ben will be losing weight. |
131 | She used to play the guia. |
132 | We had better take a taxi. |
133 | Can't we be friends again? |
134 | I work at a grocery store. |
135 | When all is said and done. |
136 | They come to see a friend. |
137 | Virginia has four seasons. |
138 | Could you be more precise? |
139 | She did my hair last week. |
140 | Most of our body is water. |
141 | Would you like some water? |
142 | Have you seen snow before? |
143 | It's been done. Now, what? |
144 | My manager is really nice. |
145 | An Earth year is 365 days. |
146 | A Pluto year is 9520 days. |
147 | Dairy Queen is a big name. |
148 | Let me help you with this. |
149 | Let's use them in context. |
150 | The mean of 1, and 5 is 3. |
151 | A picture tells the truth. |
152 | Can you tell me your plan? |
153 | He likes to play football. |
154 | | forgot my phone at home. |
155 | How's your day shaping up? |
156 | The decision is up to you. |
157 | The ball is in your court. |
158 | The call is yours to make. |
159 | It's ultimately up to you. |
160 | Please give me a heads up. |
161 | I'd like to stay informed. |
162 | I said many things to him. |
163 | When is the train leaving? |
164 | Iam not accepting anything |
165 | You need to go take yours. |
166 | I can run faster than him. |
167 | He was in a positive fury. |
168 | She has about 2,000 books. |
169 | What're you talking about? |
170 | Ask and you shall receive. |
171 | Where can we meet tonight? |
172 | What does this company do? |
173 | Shall | cook dinner today? |
174 | When shall | come for you? |
175 | The sun rises at the east. |
176 | They speak English in USA. |
177 | She wants to be a dentist. |
178 | He turned around and left. |
179 | A girl walks on the train. |
180 | Where's that boy of yours? |
181 | She's leaving for Houston. |
182 | I wonder why he did that. ? |
183 | I did not eat my lunch yet. |
184 | I've never cheated anybody. |
185 | It could happen to anybody. |
186 | Does anybody have a pencil? |
187 | What are you talking about? |
188 | It?s none of your business. |
189 | All worship the rising sun. |
190 | He sleeps in the afternoon. |
191 | I love to play video games. |
192 | He is serving his own ends. |
193 | I feel sad about your loss. |
194 | I will catch you soon. pa = |
195 | Sorry for the inconvenience |
196 | How did you get here alone? |
197 | How many brothers have you? |
198 | How much money do you have? |
199 | Let's go by taxi, shall we? |
200 | Shall we go out for a walk? |