No | Sentence | 1 | Treating children the same as adults will build their independence. |
2 | If you want it strong enough, nothing can stop you from getting it! |
3 | A young man standing in front of an old building always buys an old |
4 | Moving from Virginia Beach to Seattle during a recession was a bold |
5 | According to studies, when children are at play, they think the toy |
6 | If I buy two, do I get a discount? I'm sorry, but the price is set. |
7 | Are you very active or do you prefer to ust relax in you free time? |
8 | Ifyou could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose? |
9 | I can't tell you how to get to the library because I don't remember. |
10 | It's cooler in the morning and at night, so I always bring a jacket. |
11 | When use is used as a verb, the s is pronounced as z with vibration. |
12 | One way to learn English is to repeat what you hear again and again. |
13 | Look! That?s Mt. Denali, the highest mountain peak in North America. |
14 | You had an exciting adventure in Chicago by the sound of your voice. |
15 | Driving across Houston is no easy task, but I'll be back in no time. |
16 | No matter what decisions I make, my family always stands on my side. |
17 | for three miles and take the exit on the right. I'll take you there. |
18 | Exactly! After I?ve been doing more than I?m paid to do, I was voted |
19 | These stores are open for business. There is no give and take there. |
20 | What was his name? He didn't give his name. He was tall and slender. |
21 | The dairy department is under pressure for its delayed construction. |
22 | Line up, guys! Let's form a straight line here. Please wait in line. |
23 | Thank goodness what you have here is not alcohol, or I would have to |
24 | Follow the success formula, and you can be a successful person, too. |
25 | She poured two teaspoons of the cough drops and set down the bottle. |
26 | If you could join a famous band/pop group, which one would you join? |
27 | I can't give you a ride to the airport because my car is in the shop. |
28 | He used to smoke cigarettes, but he quit smoking about two years ago. |
29 | Compare the difference between half and have. Half, have, half, have. |
30 | In Arizona, summer daytime temperatures range from 90 to 110 degrees. |
31 | With 360 sunny days a year, I look at life differently in New Mexico. |
32 | The number of residents of Phoenix is numbered more than 1.5 million. |
33 | When looking at a photo, what do you look at first? The people or the |
34 | The supermarket won first place in food quality and customer service. |
35 | The smart florist shows his work to his boss by decorating the floral |
36 | I had so much fun yesterday drinking Merlot. Would you join me today? |
37 | The supermarket is built on a low ground, and occasionally, rain does |
38 | Detergents are moving so fast that I often need to ask them for more. |
39 | Is it right or wrong to send a birthday gift without a birthday card? |
40 | You do want to go there, don't you? A repair to the tire must be done |
41 | Add salt to warm water and mix well. Then gargle three times a day to |
42 | If you know how to do something extremely well, someone will hire you. |
43 | What did she say when you asked her to go to your house? She said, no. |
44 | There are three types of people, those who don?t know what?s happened, |
45 | I like Seattle's cool summer days more than Houston's hot summer days. |
46 | I go with the second. When there are obstacles in front of me, I?ll go |
47 | I did 35 miles per hour in New York City and got pulled over by a cop. |
48 | This supermarket was unknown to any when it was first opened, but it's |
49 | When I came to America, the English language was a new language to me. |
50 | There are supermarkets everywhere but I just like to come to this one. |
51 | Everyone in the store is helpful and everything in the store is fresh. |
52 | The smart florist showed his work to his boss by decorating the floral |
53 | promotional item and a $100 gift card today. The gift card is good for |
54 | I've tried bleaching the cloth two different times and the stains just |
55 | My first move is to do a market research. My second move is to write a |
56 | She's living in one of the best neighborhoods now. She will change her |
57 | Follow your heart and keep working. Too little or too much information |
58 | Mom always does the cooking for breakfast. I always do the cooking for |
59 | Nice! The store said yesterday that they would set it up and they did. |
60 | The air around the earth protects the earth from comets and asteroids. |
61 | If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past of the future? |
62 | In my first day of work, I arrived at 250 Main Street at eight o'clock. |
63 | There are many successful people out there we can learn something from. |
64 | Last time it burned after 10 seconds. Let?s see what happens this time. |
65 | The longest river in the US is the Missouri River. It's 341 miles long. |
66 | You'll make more friends in a day by talking about the things they like |
67 | What sound do you like the most, the sound of a subway train, the sound |
68 | The dairy department is offering a discount from Monday through Friday. |
69 | make the left turn. You can turn right now and then make a U-turn right |
70 | finish your homework yesterday. I took your iPad so you can finish your |
71 | Use it or lose it! Learn and use daily conversation words, phrases, and |
72 | Standing on Mars unprotected is better than sentencing to death. Anyone |
73 | Airplanes will not fly on the moon because there is no air on the moon. |
74 | Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Agree or disagree? |
75 | It has been this way, but from now on, work hours are from nine to five. |
76 | What I can do is what I have the ability to do. What I will do is what I |
77 | When there are American, Australian, British and other accents to choose |
78 | When you focus your attention on one thing, your energy will flow to it. |
79 | Those who make things happen are usually the ones who become successful. |
80 | There are 24 hours a day. An average person sleeps eight hours a day and |
81 | works eight hours a day. What we do with the remaining eight hours every |
82 | When he was driving in New York, he made every right turn on red lights. |
83 | Home to one of the largest concentrations of military bases, San Antonio |
84 | How much down payment would you like to put down? I?ll put down a $1000. |
85 | I thought irises were only blue, but when the florist showed me some red |
86 | When your children ask for soda instead of milk, do not give in. Milk is |
87 | Of course, I mean it! I didn't mean to take your iPad. You were meant to |
88 | homework. The iPad is meant for your use after you finish your homework. |
89 | Learn English by learning useful words, phrases, and sentences. Learning |
90 | Have you ever spoken in front of a large group of people? How did it go? |
91 | In Arizona, summer is really cold at night and really hot during the day. |
92 | I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do for you, but I can show you a way to |
93 | When waiting in a long line, it's a great time to listen to an audiobook. |
94 | Like attracts like. If you find one successful person, you will find more |
95 | Philadelphia is the most populous city in Pennsylvania and the fifth most |
96 | If I start to practice my English now, I'll be speaking like a native six |
97 | The milk and dairy products are supplied under contract by local farmers. |
98 | A Cola salesperson will have her say about the benefits of drinking soda. |
99 | A customer has been shopping in the same place ever since she moved here. |
100 | Moving from Virginia Beach to Seattle during a recession was a bold move. |
101 | I hold the copyright to my books. I sold the digital rights to Amazon and |
102 | The pharmacists have set up the equipment for a free blood pressure test. |
103 | They set their goal years before to becoming president. They lay out their |
104 | There is chili pepper in the soup. It?s too hot for me. Is it hot for you? |
105 | There were many opportunities to raise my hands to ask questions in class. |
106 | Find successful people, follow them, and you, too, will become successful. |
107 | I was trying to look for new strategies to learn to speak English before I |
108 | The local supermarket is hiring new assistants for its produce department. |
109 | I make money by working in the produce department of my local supermarket. |
110 | This store shows respect to each and every one of its customers every day. |
111 | His parents didn't give the encouragement he needed to start his business. |
112 | No. That's just the minimum. Drink as much as you can after eight glasses. |
113 | I've thought about the same thing, too. A friend introduced to me to use a |
114 | I may be 97 years old, but my heart is just 20. That's why I'm a young man |
115 | Take one tablet every four hours. Set the time to take the med (medicine). |
116 | I used to be on a swim team when | was younger, but now | don't swim at all |
117 | There were many opportunities to raise our hands to ask questions in class. |
118 | We use a pen to write, we use a cup to drink, and we use our mind to think. |
119 | Use My Fluent English formula to speak English like a native in six months. |
120 | It's so effective to repeat what you hear again and again, so I'm using it. |
121 | With 1.6 million people, Phoenix is the number six largest city nationwide. |
122 | There are 7.2 billion people in the world. Close to 90% have enough to eat. |
123 | It'll just take five minutes to get to the supermarket. Just take I-90 West |
124 | This article about drinking water and avoiding coffee is of great interest. |
125 | A child at play actually thinks a wooden horse he's riding is a real horse. |
126 | It?s half full! Keep looking at it this way and you?ll be one happy person. |
127 | I used to watch the news every day, but now | don't have time for it anymore |
128 | She used to ive in France when she was younger, but now she ives in the USA. |
129 | Some of them listened to music and some of them listened to English lessons. |
130 | What we need to do to become successful is a goal, actions, and persistence. |
131 | The supermarket had a new look, so she went in and bought some new potatoes. |
132 | A wine salesperson will have his say about the benefits of drinking alcohol. |
133 | I don't want to say too much. Doctors say water is good for us. I say water. |
134 | You're right, but if you turn left now, you'll need to wait three minutes to |
135 | After years of working as a computer engineer, I turned to teaching English. |
136 | The glass has water in it. It?s half filled. How do you look at the water in |
137 | Another way to learn other is to learn from a friend who is a native speaker. |
138 | Congratulations! This the last set of ten for lesson one. Now let's get them. |
139 | The florist's job is a daily round of helping customers and wrapping flowers. |
140 | You've already paid for that. You're good to go. Thank you for your business. |
141 | English is like using your muscles. Use it or lose it! Learn it and use it by |
142 | Said is pronounced as sed. It's not pronounced as sad. It's pronounced as sed. |
143 | We make so many mistakes in life, but we learn many lessons from our mistakes. |
144 | My pronunciation is improving so quickly, so I'm going to continue practicing. |
145 | Any is pronounced as eny. It is not pronounced as Any. It's pronounced as eny. |
146 | There were giant blackberry plants which were little known to local residents. |
147 | You've been practicing for a good hour. You're looking good. Have a good time. |
148 | I did two rounds of shopping today, a round for flowers and a round for plants. |
149 | Anthony Robbins teaches his students to walk through fire without getting hurt. |
150 | One of the great things about drinking water is it maintains your bodily fluid. |
151 | If the police think you're drunk, they will ask you to walk in a straight line. |
152 | They're on their way to becoming the next stars in the school performance team. |
153 | We have been friends for 20 years. I felt like it was my duty to look after him. |
154 | If I set my goal, take action, and keep working on it, I will become successful. |
155 | A 17-year-old high school student was offered a place in the produce department. |
156 | If you'll be back in five minutes, said the florist, your flowers will be ready. |
157 | This milk is whole milk, fresh, and natural. It's the very best quality we have. |
158 | They also brought their accents which contributed to the American English accent. |
159 | If you go to Yellowstone National Park, you'll see geysers shooting up hot water. |
160 | The most important day in my life is the day I discovered the formula to success. |
161 | In San Jose, you get 15 inches of rain a year. Be sure to water your plants well. |
162 | When looking at a photo, what do you look at first? The people or the background? |
163 | These drinks are high in calories, and these are drinks that are low in calories. |
164 | These drinks are high in calories, and those are drinks that are low in calories. |
165 | The customer has been buying the same things over and over for the past 10 years. |
166 | Successful people will tell you you're never too young or too old to get started. |
167 | When listening to this recording, set the volume high so you can hear it clearly. |
168 | She speaks Spanish, but she wants to learn to speak English like a native speaker. |
169 | The success formula is an old formula that worked in the old days and works today. |
170 | kept the audio rights and paperback rights. I have every right to sell the rights. |
171 | I?m thinking of learning to speak English well, but the thing is I don?t have time. |
172 | You get your work assignments from your company's website and work on them at home. |
173 | lower lip with your front teeth, and then force the air out to pronounce the sound. |
174 | Three successful University of Washington students formed the Success Impact Group. |
175 | Children shouldn't be allowed cell phones until they are over I8. Agree or disagree? |
176 | Potatoes and yams are placed next to each in my store. I like to make them look nice. |
177 | Yeah! Earl Nightingale said, Don?t just do your part. Do more than you?re paid to do. |
178 | To pronounce the v in very, slightly bite your lower lip with your upper front teeth. |
179 | The very thought of killing small animals in his childhood life made him feel guilty. |
180 | Give small children liquid medicines only. Even small tablets can be harmful to them. |
181 | We're on earth to find what we want. If we don't find what we want, make what we want! |
182 | Successful people will tell you that you're never too young or too old to get started. |
183 | I've learned from speaking no English to speaking conversational English pretty easily. |
184 | There is no need to bring a jacket. Unlike San Francisco, Houston's summer is not cold. |
185 | With temperature often goes up to 10 Phoenix is the number one hottest city in America. |
186 | This milk is whole milk, fresh, and natural. It's the very best quality they have here. |
187 | The English language used to be a small language, but it has become a big language today. |
188 | Yes, indeed. Chicago is the third biggest city in America after New York and Los Angeles. |
189 | Just like when is a good day to practice your English, today is a good day to drink milk. |
190 | You can turn right now and then make a U-turn right away. It'll only take you 10 seconds. |
191 | The s in use has two pronunciations. When use is used as a noun, the s is pronounced as s. |
192 | If we use our mind and take actions until we become successful, we will become successful. |
193 | If I start to practice my English now, I'll be speaking like a native six months from now. |
194 | Give them what they want, talk about topics they like, and they?ll be happy to talk to you. |
195 | In the UK, you drive on the left side of the road. In America, you drive on the right side. |
196 | Parents form the minds of their children. Your children will form good habits if unspoiled. |
197 | I am a country boy, but even a country boy can be highly successful. Can you be successful? |
198 | Most of everyone agreed that education is the most important factor to success. I disagreed. |
199 | Russia is the world's biggest country. The second biggest is Canada and the third is America. |
200 | Work on something two hours a day every day for 20 years and you'll be the best in that area. |