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Simple Sentence Examples

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1 Treating children the same as adults will build their independence.
2 If you want it strong enough, nothing can stop you from getting it!
3 A young man standing in front of an old building always buys an old
4 Moving from Virginia Beach to Seattle during a recession was a bold
5 According to studies, when children are at play, they think the toy
6 If I buy two, do I get a discount? I'm sorry, but the price is set.
7 Are you very active or do you prefer to ust relax in you free time?
8 Ifyou could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?
9 I can't tell you how to get to the library because I don't remember.
10 It's cooler in the morning and at night, so I always bring a jacket.
11 When use is used as a verb, the s is pronounced as z with vibration.
12 One way to learn English is to repeat what you hear again and again.
13 Look! That?s Mt. Denali, the highest mountain peak in North America.
14 You had an exciting adventure in Chicago by the sound of your voice.
15 Driving across Houston is no easy task, but I'll be back in no time.
16 No matter what decisions I make, my family always stands on my side.
17 for three miles and take the exit on the right. I'll take you there.
18 Exactly! After I?ve been doing more than I?m paid to do, I was voted
19 These stores are open for business. There is no give and take there.
20 What was his name? He didn't give his name. He was tall and slender.
21 The dairy department is under pressure for its delayed construction.
22 Line up, guys! Let's form a straight line here. Please wait in line.
23 Thank goodness what you have here is not alcohol, or I would have to
24 Follow the success formula, and you can be a successful person, too.
25 She poured two teaspoons of the cough drops and set down the bottle.
26 If you could join a famous band/pop group, which one would you join?
27 I can't give you a ride to the airport because my car is in the shop.
28 He used to smoke cigarettes, but he quit smoking about two years ago.
29 Compare the difference between half and have. Half, have, half, have.
30 In Arizona, summer daytime temperatures range from 90 to 110 degrees.
31 With 360 sunny days a year, I look at life differently in New Mexico.
32 The number of residents of Phoenix is numbered more than 1.5 million.
33 When looking at a photo, what do you look at first? The people or the
34 The supermarket won first place in food quality and customer service.
35 The smart florist shows his work to his boss by decorating the floral
36 I had so much fun yesterday drinking Merlot. Would you join me today?
37 The supermarket is built on a low ground, and occasionally, rain does
38 Detergents are moving so fast that I often need to ask them for more.
39 Is it right or wrong to send a birthday gift without a birthday card?
40 You do want to go there, don't you? A repair to the tire must be done
41 Add salt to warm water and mix well. Then gargle three times a day to
42 If you know how to do something extremely well, someone will hire you.
43 What did she say when you asked her to go to your house? She said, no.
44 There are three types of people, those who don?t know what?s happened,
45 I like Seattle's cool summer days more than Houston's hot summer days.
46 I go with the second. When there are obstacles in front of me, I?ll go
47 I did 35 miles per hour in New York City and got pulled over by a cop.
48 This supermarket was unknown to any when it was first opened, but it's
49 When I came to America, the English language was a new language to me.
50 There are supermarkets everywhere but I just like to come to this one.
51 Everyone in the store is helpful and everything in the store is fresh.
52 The smart florist showed his work to his boss by decorating the floral
53 promotional item and a $100 gift card today. The gift card is good for
54 I've tried bleaching the cloth two different times and the stains just
55 My first move is to do a market research. My second move is to write a
56 She's living in one of the best neighborhoods now. She will change her
57 Follow your heart and keep working. Too little or too much information
58 Mom always does the cooking for breakfast. I always do the cooking for
59 Nice! The store said yesterday that they would set it up and they did.
60 The air around the earth protects the earth from comets and asteroids.
61 If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past of the future?
62 In my first day of work, I arrived at 250 Main Street at eight o'clock.
63 There are many successful people out there we can learn something from.
64 Last time it burned after 10 seconds. Let?s see what happens this time.
65 The longest river in the US is the Missouri River. It's 341 miles long.
66 You'll make more friends in a day by talking about the things they like
67 What sound do you like the most, the sound of a subway train, the sound
68 The dairy department is offering a discount from Monday through Friday.
69 make the left turn. You can turn right now and then make a U-turn right
70 finish your homework yesterday. I took your iPad so you can finish your
71 Use it or lose it! Learn and use daily conversation words, phrases, and
72 Standing on Mars unprotected is better than sentencing to death. Anyone
73 Airplanes will not fly on the moon because there is no air on the moon.
74 Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Agree or disagree?
75 It has been this way, but from now on, work hours are from nine to five.
76 What I can do is what I have the ability to do. What I will do is what I
77 When there are American, Australian, British and other accents to choose
78 When you focus your attention on one thing, your energy will flow to it.
79 Those who make things happen are usually the ones who become successful.
80 There are 24 hours a day. An average person sleeps eight hours a day and
81 works eight hours a day. What we do with the remaining eight hours every
82 When he was driving in New York, he made every right turn on red lights.
83 Home to one of the largest concentrations of military bases, San Antonio
84 How much down payment would you like to put down? I?ll put down a $1000.
85 I thought irises were only blue, but when the florist showed me some red
86 When your children ask for soda instead of milk, do not give in. Milk is
87 Of course, I mean it! I didn't mean to take your iPad. You were meant to
88 homework. The iPad is meant for your use after you finish your homework.
89 Learn English by learning useful words, phrases, and sentences. Learning
90 Have you ever spoken in front of a large group of people? How did it go?
91 In Arizona, summer is really cold at night and really hot during the day.
92 I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do for you, but I can show you a way to
93 When waiting in a long line, it's a great time to listen to an audiobook.
94 Like attracts like. If you find one successful person, you will find more
95 Philadelphia is the most populous city in Pennsylvania and the fifth most
96 If I start to practice my English now, I'll be speaking like a native six
97 The milk and dairy products are supplied under contract by local farmers.
98 A Cola salesperson will have her say about the benefits of drinking soda.
99 A customer has been shopping in the same place ever since she moved here.
100 Moving from Virginia Beach to Seattle during a recession was a bold move.
101 I hold the copyright to my books. I sold the digital rights to Amazon and
102 The pharmacists have set up the equipment for a free blood pressure test.
103 They set their goal years before to becoming president. They lay out their
104 There is chili pepper in the soup. It?s too hot for me. Is it hot for you?
105 There were many opportunities to raise my hands to ask questions in class.
106 Find successful people, follow them, and you, too, will become successful.
107 I was trying to look for new strategies to learn to speak English before I
108 The local supermarket is hiring new assistants for its produce department.
109 I make money by working in the produce department of my local supermarket.
110 This store shows respect to each and every one of its customers every day.
111 His parents didn't give the encouragement he needed to start his business.
112 No. That's just the minimum. Drink as much as you can after eight glasses.
113 I've thought about the same thing, too. A friend introduced to me to use a
114 I may be 97 years old, but my heart is just 20. That's why I'm a young man
115 Take one tablet every four hours. Set the time to take the med (medicine).
116 I used to be on a swim team when | was younger, but now | don't swim at all
117 There were many opportunities to raise our hands to ask questions in class.
118 We use a pen to write, we use a cup to drink, and we use our mind to think.
119 Use My Fluent English formula to speak English like a native in six months.
120 It's so effective to repeat what you hear again and again, so I'm using it.
121 With 1.6 million people, Phoenix is the number six largest city nationwide.
122 There are 7.2 billion people in the world. Close to 90% have enough to eat.
123 It'll just take five minutes to get to the supermarket. Just take I-90 West
124 This article about drinking water and avoiding coffee is of great interest.
125 A child at play actually thinks a wooden horse he's riding is a real horse.
126 It?s half full! Keep looking at it this way and you?ll be one happy person.
127 I used to watch the news every day, but now | don't have time for it anymore
128 She used to ive in France when she was younger, but now she ives in the USA.
129 Some of them listened to music and some of them listened to English lessons.
130 What we need to do to become successful is a goal, actions, and persistence.
131 The supermarket had a new look, so she went in and bought some new potatoes.
132 A wine salesperson will have his say about the benefits of drinking alcohol.
133 I don't want to say too much. Doctors say water is good for us. I say water.
134 You're right, but if you turn left now, you'll need to wait three minutes to
135 After years of working as a computer engineer, I turned to teaching English.
136 The glass has water in it. It?s half filled. How do you look at the water in
137 Another way to learn other is to learn from a friend who is a native speaker.
138 Congratulations! This the last set of ten for lesson one. Now let's get them.
139 The florist's job is a daily round of helping customers and wrapping flowers.
140 You've already paid for that. You're good to go. Thank you for your business.
141 English is like using your muscles. Use it or lose it! Learn it and use it by
142 Said is pronounced as sed. It's not pronounced as sad. It's pronounced as sed.
143 We make so many mistakes in life, but we learn many lessons from our mistakes.
144 My pronunciation is improving so quickly, so I'm going to continue practicing.
145 Any is pronounced as eny. It is not pronounced as Any. It's pronounced as eny.
146 There were giant blackberry plants which were little known to local residents.
147 You've been practicing for a good hour. You're looking good. Have a good time.
148 I did two rounds of shopping today, a round for flowers and a round for plants.
149 Anthony Robbins teaches his students to walk through fire without getting hurt.
150 One of the great things about drinking water is it maintains your bodily fluid.
151 If the police think you're drunk, they will ask you to walk in a straight line.
152 They're on their way to becoming the next stars in the school performance team.
153 We have been friends for 20 years. I felt like it was my duty to look after him.
154 If I set my goal, take action, and keep working on it, I will become successful.
155 A 17-year-old high school student was offered a place in the produce department.
156 If you'll be back in five minutes, said the florist, your flowers will be ready.
157 This milk is whole milk, fresh, and natural. It's the very best quality we have.
158 They also brought their accents which contributed to the American English accent.
159 If you go to Yellowstone National Park, you'll see geysers shooting up hot water.
160 The most important day in my life is the day I discovered the formula to success.
161 In San Jose, you get 15 inches of rain a year. Be sure to water your plants well.
162 When looking at a photo, what do you look at first? The people or the background?
163 These drinks are high in calories, and these are drinks that are low in calories.
164 These drinks are high in calories, and those are drinks that are low in calories.
165 The customer has been buying the same things over and over for the past 10 years.
166 Successful people will tell you you're never too young or too old to get started.
167 When listening to this recording, set the volume high so you can hear it clearly.
168 She speaks Spanish, but she wants to learn to speak English like a native speaker.
169 The success formula is an old formula that worked in the old days and works today.
170 kept the audio rights and paperback rights. I have every right to sell the rights.
171 I?m thinking of learning to speak English well, but the thing is I don?t have time.
172 You get your work assignments from your company's website and work on them at home.
173 lower lip with your front teeth, and then force the air out to pronounce the sound.
174 Three successful University of Washington students formed the Success Impact Group.
175 Children shouldn't be allowed cell phones until they are over I8. Agree or disagree?
176 Potatoes and yams are placed next to each in my store. I like to make them look nice.
177 Yeah! Earl Nightingale said, Don?t just do your part. Do more than you?re paid to do.
178 To pronounce the v in very, slightly bite your lower lip with your upper front teeth.
179 The very thought of killing small animals in his childhood life made him feel guilty.
180 Give small children liquid medicines only. Even small tablets can be harmful to them.
181 We're on earth to find what we want. If we don't find what we want, make what we want!
182 Successful people will tell you that you're never too young or too old to get started.
183 I've learned from speaking no English to speaking conversational English pretty easily.
184 There is no need to bring a jacket. Unlike San Francisco, Houston's summer is not cold.
185 With temperature often goes up to 10 Phoenix is the number one hottest city in America.
186 This milk is whole milk, fresh, and natural. It's the very best quality they have here.
187 The English language used to be a small language, but it has become a big language today.
188 Yes, indeed. Chicago is the third biggest city in America after New York and Los Angeles.
189 Just like when is a good day to practice your English, today is a good day to drink milk.
190 You can turn right now and then make a U-turn right away. It'll only take you 10 seconds.
191 The s in use has two pronunciations. When use is used as a noun, the s is pronounced as s.
192 If we use our mind and take actions until we become successful, we will become successful.
193 If I start to practice my English now, I'll be speaking like a native six months from now.
194 Give them what they want, talk about topics they like, and they?ll be happy to talk to you.
195 In the UK, you drive on the left side of the road. In America, you drive on the right side.
196 Parents form the minds of their children. Your children will form good habits if unspoiled.
197 I am a country boy, but even a country boy can be highly successful. Can you be successful?
198 Most of everyone agreed that education is the most important factor to success. I disagreed.
199 Russia is the world's biggest country. The second biggest is Canada and the third is America.
200 Work on something two hours a day every day for 20 years and you'll be the best in that area.

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