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Simple Sentence Examples

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1 Take the med and set for a good night of sleep.
2 The pharmacy is small, but its business is big.
3 Take a small amount, she said in a small voice.
4 What's the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
5 What's the worst gift you have ever been given?
6 Where did you go last weekend? What did you do?
7 How far is it between the school and the house?
8 What time do you usually get up in the morning?
9 I took the subway train to school at that time.
10 She drove her sister's car to work this morning.
11 I used to be In shape, but now I'm out of shape!
12 Do you prefer to work in the morning or evening?
13 Ifyou had the chance, would you change your job?
14 Tell me about a funny travel experience you had.
15 The v in have is pronounced as v with vibration.
16 Russia is as big as Canada and America combined.
17 We asked questions until the teachers were gone.
18 It was so hot in Phoenix, so I moved to Seattle.
19 These are useful words. Learn them and use them.
20 We can look through the clouds to see the stars.
21 Because New York is the largest city in America.
22 This is for the kid who got injured in the game.
23 Have you written down the VIN number of the car?
24 How long have you been to the U.S.? Three years.
25 Is it a good thing or a bad thing to drink milk?
26 Summer is better than winter. Agree or disagree?
27 Smart phones? make us stupid. Agree or disagree?
28 No one should ever tell a ie. Agree or disagree?
29 If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
30 What time does he usually get up in the morning?
31 1will miss you when you move to another country.
32 The classroom was locked but there was a way in.
33 Let me sppes! I you for your help in this matter.
34 Where was your school, I want to leave you today?
35 Your children will be the future of this country.
36 I can't turn the TV off because I don't know-how.
37 When can | get the answer I, to these questions?
38 Do you intend to stay in this area in the future?
39 Most countries are small. Some countries are big.
40 You were good friends when you were in preschool.
41 There are as many as 7000 languages in the world.
42 If I have one more day, I will go to Yellowstone.
43 If I had one more day, I would go to Yellowstone.
44 You know it's coming. Let's continue to practice.
45 America has a much bigger population than Canada.
46 How many people signed up for the trip to Europe?
47 How much down payment would you like to put down?
48 How have you been doing for the past three years?
49 well known today to everyone in the neighborhood.
50 I work as an assistant in the produce department.
51 My supermarket is selling new potatoes this year.
52 We started selling jasmine plants only this year.
53 This supermarket is the only floral shop in town.
54 Practice every day and your English will be good.
55 Successful people give. Unsuccessful people take.
56 I'm not much of a drinker. But thank you, though.
57 Keep your goal before you and keep working on it.
58 A young man standing in front of an old building.
59 The instructions were written in three languages.
60 Would you rather be really big or really small? a
61 Aliens may be living among us. Agree or disagree?
62 If you had the chance, would you change your job?
63 Whos your oldest friend? Where did you meet them?
64 Why did you leave the meeting so early yesterday?
65 Apples are on sale today. This apple is 25 cents.
66 Hello, may I speak to Hassan, please? This is he.
67 He walked pass the classroom. It was on his left.
68 I cooked dumplings at my friend's house yesterday.
69 How do you feel when you see trash lying on roads?
70 The th in this is pronounced as TH with vibration.
71 If you can travel back in time, where will you go?
72 If you persevere, then you will become successful.
73 She always brings her phone and her book with her.
74 Did he get pulled over by the police? Yes. He did.
75 Phoenix is the number one largest city in Arizona.
76 It takes half of the time to do shopping this way.
77 Galileo died 400 years ago, but his name lived on.
78 A young man recently joined the floral department.
79 The floral department had a flower show yesterday.
80 Two customers came in and bought all of the roses.
81 A low-income family in a high-income neighborhood.
82 Driving after drinking can easily cause accidents.
83 Seattle's mean summer temperature is 76 degrees F.
84 A boy's play is very different than a girl's play.
85 When was the last time you worked incredibly hard?
86 Ifyou had intro music, what song would it be? Why?
87 There are more than 7 billion people in the world.
88 He loves her so much that she's everything to him.
89 We haven't received any mail since we were retired.
90 Two of her friends came late to her birthday party.
91 What is the most interesting thing about your work?
92 What aro some great places o towel fon your county?
93 How many books did you have yesterday? I had three.
94 Each day is a good opportunity to learn a new word.
95 If you do your homework, then you'll pass the test.
96 Many students speak more than one language at home.
97 Do you want to see how it works? It goes like this.
98 How long have you been living in Canada? Two years.
99 discovered what I needed was so simple and obvious.
100 This supermarket is selling new potatoes this year.
101 They named the baby Charlie, after his grandfather.
102 Let's say we leave at nine. We'll be there by noon.
103 The rocks. Many good things are hidden under rocks.
104 This baking soda can be used in two different ways.
105 Kids are smarter than grown-ups. Agree or disagree?
106 What do you do when you hang out with your friends?
107 It's five to ten (It's five minutes to 10 O'clock).
108 They don?t live on the moon. They live in the moon.
109 Two new students came today. They looked confident.
110 He used to be so smart in school, but now he's dumb.
111 Do you plan to continue with your job in the future?
112 What can you learn by travelling to other countries?
113 I'm always learning at home, at work, and at school.
114 It's going to be a hot day today. It'll go up to 95.
115 There are many ways we can help these hungry people.
116 Which one would you like? This one or the other one?
117 Immigrants brought many European accents to America.
118 Talk to native speakers and learn English from them.
119 than in a year by talking about the things you like.
120 In California's Death Valley, summer is hot for him.
121 The number of visitors increases the number of jobs.
122 Yes. I had it written down as I walked down the lot.
123 Working from home is becoming more and more popular.
124 After three weeks, carnations are back in the store.
125 I took some carnations after putting the roses back.
126 Speaking English like a native helped my confidence.
127 She moved here the same year I started to work here.
128 Finish your homework and you'll earn your iPad back.
129 The research tells me to move quickly with the plan.
130 Too little or too much information may not help you.
131 I got some Tylenol, Motrin, and also some Ibuprofen.
132 Would you rather be good at sports or good at exams?
133 What's the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
134 He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
135 The first one is a boy and the second one is a girl.
136 I used to drink coffee every day, but now | dink tea.
137 I used to go to bed at ? PH and wake Up at 6AM daily.
138 There is one good person who knows about my plan. Me.
139 He?s one in a million who cares about the human race.
140 Some countries are small, but some countries are big.
141 You will become successful if you keep working on it.
142 If you study for the test, then you'll pass the test.
143 average winter temperature is -17 degrees Fahrenheit.
144 How long do turtles live? Turtles live for 150 years.
145 Where did you find that? I found this at that corner.
146 Is the floral department in the front or in the back?
147 I got two chocolate milk. One for you and one for me.
148 There's a call for the beverage department on Line 2.
149 His recent move was just a move to three blocks away.
150 The blood pressure test equipment was set on a table.
151 I took three. Three tablets a time, four times a day.
152 Playing games is an important part of a child's life.
153 What time does the plane arrive in New York tomorrow?
154 How many years ago did you graduate from high school?
155 It was raining but there was a boy running to school.
156 She drinks some water and puts the lid on the bottle.
157 Iwill read the newspaper when I go to the bus station.
158 What three countries would you like to travel to? Why?
159 We have two stores, one in Bellevue and one in Renton.
160 Most countries are small while some countries are big.
161 If we hang out with them, we'll be good students, too.
162 Living in Seattle makes me feel like living in nature.
163 Your English is good! How long have you been learning?
164 Anybody can do anything if they have a burning desire.
165 The New Horizon rounded the earth and sailed to Pluto.
166 It's very important to drink a lot of fluid every day.
167 This street is under construction. No through traffic.
168 We're hiring. Fill out an application form to join us.
169 Are you thinking about spring water or purified water?
170 I?m thinking of saving money and eliminating plastics.
171 Sometimes, a one-word sentence can be the best answer.
172 The new TV program was aired on Channel 13 last night.
173 The pharmacy is a small department in the supermarket.
174 If you were King / Queen for a day, what would you do?
175 What would you buy first if you had a million dollars?
176 What is something that is popular now that annoys you?
177 English is the official language of the United States.
178 She sits on a seat at the corner and takes out a book.
179 Millions of people believe aliens are living among us.
180 You can't carry this luggage yourself. I will help you.
181 I can't come over to your house because I'm busy today.
182 Hy sister used to be an artist, but now she's a lawyer.
183 We had better review all subjects before the math exam.
184 All they want in class is to learn English. That?s all.
185 European immigrants brought their languages to America.
186 If you look for a warm place to live, go to California.
187 I would stay in San Diego over Fairbanks in the winter.
188 Learning to speak English may be easier than you think.
189 Nice! Farmers in my area live by growing fresh produce.
190 I bought two roses at the floral department after work.
191 The floral department has the local farmers backing it.
192 This store started selling carnations back in the 90's.
193 The florist told me a little of the giant blackberries.
194 The floral department just had a flower show yesterday.
195 Water can exist in the forms of liquid, solid, and gas.
196 My line is production. (My line of work is production.)
197 That must be because she came from a mean neighborhood.
198 She washes her child's old clothes and gives them away.
199 When the sun sets, the sky turns red. Enjoy the sunset.
200 Should students be allowed to use cell phones in class?

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