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Simple Sentence Examples

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1 She knows she has to study for exams.
2 How often do you have lunch with her?
3 ?When will we go to Europe next year?
4 Have you ever seen this movie before?
5 Tom is sitting beside me on the sofa.
6 Children are playing with their toys.
7 We generally sing songs all together.
8 George brushes his teeth twice a day.
9 Three and seven make ten (3 + 7 = 10)
10 Chicago is 12 hours west of New York.
11 He's in school. His school is PS 101.
12 Do you take the subway train to work?
13 I took the subway train at that time.
14 Didn't you go to the cinema yesterday?
15 Are you going on holiday this weekend?
16 My sister has already made a big cake.
17 We will be eating outside on Saturday.
18 I will be talking with my best friend.
19 We could not find the missing earring.
20 I wish they would play tennis with me.
21 Can you give me a ride to the airport?
22 Can you tell me where the bus stop is?
23 | used to be shy, but Im not anymore.
24 Do you like the area that you live in?
25 Is it important to have recycled bins?
26 From now on, I work eight hours a day.
27 Some students joined a trip to Europe.
28 It means a great scientist in Chinese.
29 There are 7000 languages in the world.
30 You can use this one or the other one.
31 There were 11 students here yesterday.
32 If we can dream it, we can achieve it.
33 Today is when I'll get my things done.
34 When I was a child, I had many dreams.
35 successful, we will become successful.
36 Their children learned the new accent.
37 If you have faith, you will persevere.
38 She climbed one step and then another.
39 The weather would be nice for a while.
40 It's easy to make a living in America.
41 Oh my God! There is a bug in my phone.
42 No. This is my first time seeing snow.
43 The two sides agreed to start trading.
44 I don't have any choice except to win.
45 Where do you work? I work at Key Food.
46 Clean up after your dog. It's the law.
47 Would you like to go to lunch with us?
48 Every time I come, I see smiley faces.
49 Read the book from the very beginning.
50 I run a corner store. She's my helper.
51 She bent down low to look at the ants.
52 George, it's Bill on the line. Line 1.
53 The cause of the accident was alcohol.
54 Nice drink. I can't help but drink it.
55 plan. My next move is to take actions.
56 I have every right to sell the rights.
57 Band-Aids are at the end of the aisle.
58 All I heard was good things at my end.
59 I heard happy ending at the other end.
60 Who are better teachers? Men or women?
61 What's your earliest memory? Gomes es,
62 What are your favorite sports to play?
63 It's completely up to your discretion.
64 I am very busy. I don't have time now.
65 What was the last funny video you saw?
66 What are you going to do this weekend?
67 What did you do on your last vacation?
68 How much is your share of stock worth?
69 My sister is singing a Classical song.
70 Where are you going on your honeymoon?
71 He is buying me a car for my birthday.
72 John is learning to ride a motorcycle.
73 The teacher is very happy to teach me.
74 The little girl with a flag is waving.
75 Don't forget cu: the arty you promised.
76 I pefer roast potatoes Is French fries.
77 The boys argued 4:0: which bus to take.
78 If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.
79 She will see her friend at the weekend.
80 I have known Michael since high school.
81 Alex has studied two foreign languages.
82 They will be cooking food at this time.
83 I would love to play football with you.
84 They had better choose a cheaper hotel.
85 I'm good at math. What are you good at?
86 Of all my friends, he?s an unusual one.
87 Would you like one pound or two pounds?
88 I?m sure I will speak English fluently.
89 Some thirty students were on that trip.
90 Victor suddenly appears out of nowhere!
91 You started when you were in preschool.
92 We can either find a way or make a way.
93 There are about 20 trees in the garden.
94 I set my goal and then achieve my goal.
95 those who don't write down their goals.
96 Let's give it a go to see what happens.
97 It has been a wonderful trip to Canada!
98 She said she's lived here all her life.
99 An assistant in the produce department.
100 The daisy baskets came with gift wraps.
101 Great job, guys! Keep up the good work!
102 The highs and lows of the stock market.
103 This is one of Amazon?s shipping lines.
104 away. It'll only take about 10 seconds.
105 Dad always does the cooking for dinner.
106 Does he have any napkins? Yes, he does.
107 An assistant is wanted in the pharmacy.
108 What do you think makes a good teacher?
109 What do you do when you have free time?
110 The decision is entirely yours to make.
111 Mhat's your favorite way to waste time?
112 When was the last time you went skiing?
113 Did you take your vitamin this morning?
114 ?When will we go to New York next year?
115 He is sitting all alone on the terrace.
116 My parents are coming at seven o'clock.
117 She is writing a letter to her parents.
118 She's studying hard to become a doctor.
119 There are many choices to make in life.
120 She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
121 ?The boy confessed (?stealing the apple.
122 We depend oI our customers? suggestions.
123 The teacher will be teaching in a class.
124 Mom will be cleaning my house this time.
125 I cooked dumplings at my friend's house.
126 Whom did you call to the party tomorrow?
127 Do you get on well with your colleagues?
128 The Super Bowl is a hot game in America.
129 We will either find a way or make a way.
130 will take actions to make things happen.
131 We?re going to the party. How about you?
132 The equator is so hot and so is Phoenix.
133 The Mississippi River is 202 miles long.
134 Who knows the population of San Antonio?
135 has become known as "Military City, USA.
136 How long have you been living in Canada?
137 I have been visiting a friend in Canada.
138 My local supermarket has 10 departments.
139 They place cucumbers and corns together.
140 QFC is a good place for quality produce.
141 This plant will grow into a little bush.
142 The only lily in the store is waterlily.
143 Yes, you can tell by just looking at it.
144 Open the windows and get some fresh air.
145 Riding a wooden horse is a child's play.
146 What came first? The chicken or the egg?
147 What would you ike to achieve this year?
148 Nhat is something you are obsessed with?
149 Where in the world did | leave my phone?
150 My brother is coming to stay for a week.
151 The mechanic is repairing my motorcycle.
152 Listen, somebody is beating at the door.
153 We are listening to a show on the radio.
154 She writes an e-mail to her best friend.
155 It smells very delicious in the kitchen.
156 When do they usually talk to each other?
157 One of my friends is an English teacher.
158 My English is getting better and better.
159 One and one is two. Two and two is four.
160 Victor came to America with his parents.
161 Advertisements often play people's fears.
162 Can we rely I this old caro get us there?
163 I don't feel can comment o thle decision.
164 Fm afraid I confused you ?I someone else.
165 She had to apologize Is the whole family.
166 ?The cover protects the machine (ro dust.
167 Daily exercise makes you fit and healthy.
168 They haven't gone to the shopping center.
169 He will be playing video games on Sunday.
170 He will be studying hard during the exam.
171 I wish they wouldn't play tennis with me.
172 Can you tell me where the post office is?
173 There is a way in and there is a way out.
174 The White House is over in Washington DC.
175 bestselling book in personal achievement.
176 No. Thanks! I?ll finance through my bank.
177 Shop for a little for some flower plants.
178 OK. I said, I'll be back in five minutes.
179 The heat is streaming through the window.
180 Parents form the minds of their children.
181 This has been a great year for the store.
182 The supermarket is built on a low ground.
183 She's the right person to do the laundry.
184 What does he do? He runs a grocery store.
185 They are also in the pharmacy department.
186 They are in the pharmacy department also.
187 In how many languages can you say ?hello?
188 What interesting places have you visited?
189 What is a controversial opinion you have?
190 Who in your life brings you the most joy?
191 Where did you go on vacation last summer?
192 Who is the president of this country now?
193 When are the best days to go to the mall?
194 How many movies did you watch this month?
195 Who knows the answers to these questions?
196 We are studying for a degree in politics.
197 The word that you've just learned is you.
198 Talk as you would if you were the winner.
199 Please contribute othe fund for the needy.
200 Sarah dreams she becoming a ballet dancer.

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