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Simple Sentence Examples
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No |
Sentence |
1 | Teacher: Yes. You may. |
2 | Let's get them, tiger! |
3 | What's your big dream? |
4 | Get up in the morning. |
5 | Easier said than done. |
6 | I came from Argentina. |
7 | I will bring a jacket. |
8 | It's been a long time. |
9 | We'll make it on time. |
10 | I?ll go see it myself. |
11 | Two times two is four. |
12 | Hawaii has one season. |
13 | It has to be this way. |
14 | Do you want some more? |
15 | It has to be that way. |
16 | Oh my God! It?s a UFO! |
17 | One point two million. |
18 | I'll call you tonight. |
19 | I?ll put down a $1000. |
20 | I'll take your advice. |
21 | Employee of the Month! |
22 | English like a native. |
23 | The milk here is good. |
24 | It's good for 12 days. |
25 | Rob's face turned red. |
26 | Try a different brand. |
27 | Did he tell the truth? |
28 | No. I want a ball cap. |
29 | What's your dream job? |
30 | I'll see you tomorrow. |
31 | What's the date today? |
32 | How much does it cost? |
33 | How's your mood today? |
34 | I'm behind on my work. |
35 | I couldn't agree more! |
36 | Alovely day, isn't it? |
37 | I am cleaning my room. |
38 | How much do | owe you? |
39 | Why didn?t he tell me? |
40 | 1 got up at about six. |
41 | Please think about it. |
42 | She is about to leave. |
43 | Shall | get you a bag? |
44 | How long will it take? |
45 | Do we know each other? |
46 | He doesn?t teach math. |
47 | Do you like spaghetti? |
48 | My cat runs very fast. |
49 | I'm nice to everybody. |
50 | The lid on the bottle. |
51 | Fight with each other. |
52 | Angry with each other. |
53 | This is his apartment. |
54 | They looked confident. |
55 | What's your last name? |
56 | What do you want fo be? |
57 | Why do people exercise? |
58 | I will wring your neck. |
59 | Mind your own business. |
60 | You are my worst enemy. |
61 | I don't trust anybody. |
62 | Did anybody follow you? |
63 | Don't you like anybody? |
64 | Is anybody on the line? |
65 | He had a narrow escape. |
66 | The train came on time. |
67 | You are going too fast. |
68 | He aways cares shou me. |
69 | He asked oh her family. |
70 | Hravel I work by train. |
71 | I missed my school bus. |
72 | Please clean the board. |
73 | What is happening here? |
74 | The spoon is not clean. |
75 | Go slow from the crowd. |
76 | He does not tell a lie. |
77 | Why don?t they like me? |
78 | Where did you meet her? |
79 | Shall I drive you home? |
80 | Well, what shall we do? |
81 | What time shall I come? |
82 | Shall I close the door? |
83 | He will close the shop. |
84 | You have not gone home. |
85 | You had better not cry. |
86 | Who fixed the computer? |
87 | For some time have been |
88 | It's really hot for me. |
89 | Yes, I can, and I will. |
90 | Which one is your book? |
91 | Will you do that again? |
92 | Her English is so good! |
93 | She knows you like her. |
94 | He knows she likes him. |
95 | Yes. It does look good! |
96 | progress day after day. |
97 | My name is ___________. |
98 | One point five million. |
99 | What?s that over there? |
100 | Let's water the plants. |
101 | You know what? Me, too. |
102 | The day after tomorrow. |
103 | Storage area for goods. |
104 | Each page has 25 lines. |
105 | The mean of and 8 is 6. |
106 | He just moved recently. |
107 | Yes, he told the truth. |
108 | He's a football player. |
109 | How are things? Englist |
110 | How's everything going? |
111 | How are you holding up? |
112 | I'm spread pretty thin. |
113 | You have the final say. |
114 | Inform me when you can. |
115 | Please keep me updated. |
116 | You have a point there. |
117 | I don't lke tall talks. |
118 | I really appreciate it. |
119 | Would you like a drink? |
120 | 'm returning your call. |
121 | I get off of work at 6. |
122 | Why don't they like me? |
123 | What do they look like? |
124 | When did she come here? |
125 | What kind of dog is it? |
126 | How about a cup of tea? |
127 | They're about to leave. |
128 | How much i the deposit? |
129 | What time shall | come? |
130 | We will play basketball |
131 | Does he write an email? |
132 | Does she live in Paris? |
133 | The Earth is spherical. |
134 | We see them every week. |
135 | My son lives in London. |
136 | You?re one awesome man! |
137 | The test was yesterday. |
138 | She's tall for her age. |
139 | Write it down on paper. |
140 | A book with a bookmark. |
141 | He works as a director. |
142 | Two or more people they |
143 | Where is my pencil case? |
144 | Where do you eat lunch? |
145 | I will break your bones. |
146 | Don't you trust anybody? |
147 | I'm not blaming anybody. |
148 | Was anybody else absent? |
149 | Iam feeling tired today. |
150 | Iwill try my level best. |
151 | It was nice meeting you. |
152 | I can't wait any longer. |
153 | What's the weather like? |
154 | The house was decorated. |
155 | Con you explln Joh I me? |
156 | I am feeling tired today |
157 | We both like each other. |
158 | Has Ali taken her meals? |
159 | You hardly had anything. |
160 | Do you know what I mean? |
161 | We will play basketball. |
162 | They will be going home. |
163 | It's 67 degrees outside. |
164 | I wish it wouldn't rain. |
165 | He would go to swimming. |
166 | Where can see you again? |
167 | Whois coming tothe ply? |
168 | Let's try the other one. |
169 | Would you like to Tango? |
170 | Can you do this for her? |
171 | That sounds like a plan. |
172 | You think like a winner! |
173 | What does the clock say? |
174 | She spoke in a low tone. |
175 | Turn left or turn right? |
176 | Let's meet before lunch. |
177 | I'll get the same thing. |
178 | Try something different. |
179 | This is cane sugar, too. |
180 | Do you have any napkins? |
181 | He runs a grocery store. |
182 | That's also a good idea. |
183 | I'm feeling tired today. |
184 | I need to do my laundry. |
185 | Thank you for your help. |
186 | Thank you for your time. |
187 | How's life treating you? |
188 | How's your energy level? |
189 | It's all in your hands. |
190 | It's entirely up to you. |
191 | Tell me what's going on. |
192 | Give me the latest news. |
193 | Please keep me apprised. |
194 | Please keep me notified. |
195 | Your name is on the list |
196 | You're driving too fast. |
197 | He will not refrain from |
198 | How do you feel about..? |
199 | Don't take it personally |
200 | You're everything to me. |
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