No | Sentence | 1 | difference. ? Ah, ? Ah. ?ther. |
2 | There were many opportunities. |
3 | What's your country of origin? |
4 | Excellent is a wonderful word. |
5 | Which accent are you learning? |
6 | Yes, I would love to have one. |
7 | He was just here a moment ago. |
8 | Where is the dairy department? |
9 | Help yourself with the drinks. |
10 | We use a Ford production line. |
11 | Should we take turns to drive? |
12 | Who said I'm old? I'm just 97! |
13 | He's a successful person, too. |
14 | Set for a good night of sleep. |
15 | Play a character in the movie. |
16 | What's the best pizza topping? |
17 | I'm fine, thank you. And you? |
18 | Do you have any weekend plans? |
19 | What's going on in your world? |
20 | The decision is yours to take. |
21 | When will you visit your moms? |
22 | How did it get so late 50 S00? |
23 | He learned to read by himself. |
24 | Shall I tell you what | think? |
25 | What shall we do this evening? |
26 | What time shall I pick you up? |
27 | When do you come back to work? |
28 | What does she do for a living? |
29 | I will go to London next week. |
30 | He thinks he is very handsome. |
31 | The course starts next Sunday. |
32 | Do you have a pen and a paper? |
33 | She then takes out a computer. |
34 | The classroom was on the left. |
35 | Oranges are a dollar for four. |
36 | Where do you want fo eat lunch? |
37 | Where did you go last weekend? |
38 | Daly exercise makes you fit and |
39 | She wakes early in the morning. |
40 | I could see through the matter. |
41 | Allow me to ntoduce myself you. |
42 | I wish you a happy married life |
43 | Hurry up, food has been served. |
44 | I do not want to know anything. |
45 | A set of books is on the table. |
46 | Shall I carry your bag for you? |
47 | We shall see what we shall see. |
48 | They will be here in two hours. |
49 | You will miss me in the future. |
50 | You will go to France tomorrow. |
51 | Scientists have split the atom. |
52 | He made a waffle for breakfast. |
53 | I wish he would be more polite. |
54 | can go to the park if you want. |
55 | Can you please turn the TV off? |
56 | We used to live In 2 small town |
57 | Whose is this red big notebook? |
58 | Will you recycle in the future? |
59 | Isit ? to travel ? ty wan? Why? |
60 | This is mine. These are theirs. |
61 | What did you have? I had water. |
62 | What did she have? She had tea. |
63 | Teacher: I don't know. Can you? |
64 | How wonderful to see it happen! |
65 | It will be 60 degrees tomorrow. |
66 | We are talking about the party. |
67 | Set our goal and write it down. |
68 | Why do we write down our goals? |
69 | The other thing is the weather. |
70 | Two of my friends will join me. |
71 | That could be the right answer. |
72 | There are only five roses left. |
73 | Irises are on that round table. |
74 | Carnations were a big show-off. |
75 | Congratulations! You're our 100 |
76 | Our body contains mostly water. |
77 | Turn right. Then make a U-turn. |
78 | He's nine. Ten! He just turned. |
79 | She turned her attention to me. |
80 | The cause was easy to identify. |
81 | before noon to deliver on time. |
82 | Would you like to live forever? |
83 | What's your favourite TV show? |
84 | You have the liberty to choose. |
85 | You have the freedom to decide. |
86 | What kind of music do you like? |
87 | You should go take it from him. |
88 | We can go on vacation with you. |
89 | What's the name of your friend? |
90 | What was the price of that car? |
91 | Shall | carry your bag for you? |
92 | We go to the gym club together. |
93 | Every child likes an ice-cream. |
94 | You go to holiday every summer. |
95 | My brother takes out the trash. |
96 | She has a beehive full of bees. |
97 | Our English test was yesterday. |
98 | They are running for president. |
99 | Where are Chris and Kelly from? |
100 | Why do we need fo study English? |
101 | Please come as soon as possible. |
102 | A crease is formed on the cloth, |
103 | You are getting late for school. |
104 | It has rained excessively today. |
105 | Have you been nite I thee party? |
106 | He sdited + being se thre tines. |
107 | He works oan enginering company. |
108 | What did you think 5I: the idea? |
109 | When do you intend to move here? |
110 | I will be twenty-seven in April. |
111 | He has never eaten these pizzas. |
112 | He will be learning a new skill. |
113 | I would rather you didn't smoke. |
114 | Can you tell me what time it is? |
115 | You had better brush your teeth. |
116 | Tell me what you're doing today? |
117 | What do you go by? I go by Jack. |
118 | All of them want the same thing. |
119 | I came to America two years ago. |
120 | She has a teacher's certificate. |
121 | That?s the mayor of San Antonio. |
122 | San Diego is over in California. |
123 | They added water to their juice. |
124 | He?s the first one to get there. |
125 | Do your part and you'll be okay. |
126 | Just go for it. I got your back. |
127 | department with colorful plants. |
128 | There is no vibration in th. TH. |
129 | This company was formed in 1872. |
130 | I mean the weather is hot today. |
131 | Detergent is a fast-moving item. |
132 | The delivery boy just passed by. |
133 | What do you do? I teach English. |
134 | I really like your outfit today. |
135 | I have to go now, see you later. |
136 | Have you ever tried this before? |
137 | What's the latest update on you? |
138 | It's your prerogative to choose. |
139 | ?The advantages of this are many |
140 | Are you a very organized person? |
141 | When did you finish your school? |
142 | How long have they been married? |
143 | My father fixed the car himself. |
144 | 1am just going to cut the grass. |
145 | it usually rains every day here. |
146 | We go to a gallery every Sunday. |
147 | The year that I came to America. |
148 | Her students are still with her. |
149 | She fills the bottle with water. |
150 | All the players did their best. . |
151 | What are your likes and dislikes? |
152 | These two are more or less alike. |
153 | Don't ery scut me. Ml be alright. |
154 | can't excuse myself not doing it. |
155 | I specialize i tropical medicine. |
156 | The entire group arrived I force. |
157 | Which car would make you happier? |
158 | When did you come here last time? |
159 | She has learned to speak Spanish. |
160 | Can you help me with my homework? |
161 | Where did you lose your bracelet? |
162 | Work hours are from nine to five. |
163 | This book is written by Ken Xiao. |
164 | There are 12 students here today. |
165 | They were here helping until ten. |
166 | I'm learning the American accent. |
167 | Let's meet at noon. See you then. |
168 | Come to my house to get the book. |
169 | A gallon is heavier than a liter. |
170 | They called their daughter Katie. |
171 | The U.S. is called a melting pot. |
172 | Yes. I've been there three times. |
173 | I work in the produce department. |
174 | This is a very nice neighborhood. |
175 | OK. I'll be back in five minutes. |
176 | There were only three roses left. |
177 | anything in our dairy department. |
178 | The equator is an invisible line. |
179 | What's the meaning of being mean? |
180 | Do you want a pair of sunglasses? |
181 | He played a character in a movie. |
182 | End your day with a good thought. |
183 | I'm going for a walk in the park. |
184 | I'll be working from home today. |
185 | What time do you usually wake up? |
186 | Excuse me, where is the restroom? |
187 | You have the authority to choose. |
188 | Please share any updates with me. |
189 | What's your favorite number? Why? |
190 | Why haven't you started studying? |
191 | Who do you love, you can tell us? |
192 | You should take care of yourself. |
193 | Where shall I hang this calendar? |
194 | When did he leave here yesterday? |
195 | When did you get home last night? |
196 | How much is that computer system? |
197 | None of them are going to school. |
198 | Emma is learning to ride a horse. |
199 | I like reading detective stories. |
200 | The book is next to the computer. |