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Simple Sentence Examples

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No Sentence
1 difference. ? Ah, ? Ah. ?ther.
2 There were many opportunities.
3 What's your country of origin?
4 Excellent is a wonderful word.
5 Which accent are you learning?
6 Yes, I would love to have one.
7 He was just here a moment ago.
8 Where is the dairy department?
9 Help yourself with the drinks.
10 We use a Ford production line.
11 Should we take turns to drive?
12 Who said I'm old? I'm just 97!
13 He's a successful person, too.
14 Set for a good night of sleep.
15 Play a character in the movie.
16 What's the best pizza topping?
17 I'm fine, thank you. And you?
18 Do you have any weekend plans?
19 What's going on in your world?
20 The decision is yours to take.
21 When will you visit your moms?
22 How did it get so late 50 S00?
23 He learned to read by himself.
24 Shall I tell you what | think?
25 What shall we do this evening?
26 What time shall I pick you up?
27 When do you come back to work?
28 What does she do for a living?
29 I will go to London next week.
30 He thinks he is very handsome.
31 The course starts next Sunday.
32 Do you have a pen and a paper?
33 She then takes out a computer.
34 The classroom was on the left.
35 Oranges are a dollar for four.
36 Where do you want fo eat lunch?
37 Where did you go last weekend?
38 Daly exercise makes you fit and
39 She wakes early in the morning.
40 I could see through the matter.
41 Allow me to ntoduce myself you.
42 I wish you a happy married life
43 Hurry up, food has been served.
44 I do not want to know anything.
45 A set of books is on the table.
46 Shall I carry your bag for you?
47 We shall see what we shall see.
48 They will be here in two hours.
49 You will miss me in the future.
50 You will go to France tomorrow.
51 Scientists have split the atom.
52 He made a waffle for breakfast.
53 I wish he would be more polite.
54 can go to the park if you want.
55 Can you please turn the TV off?
56 We used to live In 2 small town
57 Whose is this red big notebook?
58 Will you recycle in the future?
59 Isit ? to travel ? ty wan? Why?
60 This is mine. These are theirs.
61 What did you have? I had water.
62 What did she have? She had tea.
63 Teacher: I don't know. Can you?
64 How wonderful to see it happen!
65 It will be 60 degrees tomorrow.
66 We are talking about the party.
67 Set our goal and write it down.
68 Why do we write down our goals?
69 The other thing is the weather.
70 Two of my friends will join me.
71 That could be the right answer.
72 There are only five roses left.
73 Irises are on that round table.
74 Carnations were a big show-off.
75 Congratulations! You're our 100
76 Our body contains mostly water.
77 Turn right. Then make a U-turn.
78 He's nine. Ten! He just turned.
79 She turned her attention to me.
80 The cause was easy to identify.
81 before noon to deliver on time.
82 Would you like to live forever?
83 What's your favourite TV show?
84 You have the liberty to choose.
85 You have the freedom to decide.
86 What kind of music do you like?
87 You should go take it from him.
88 We can go on vacation with you.
89 What's the name of your friend?
90 What was the price of that car?
91 Shall | carry your bag for you?
92 We go to the gym club together.
93 Every child likes an ice-cream.
94 You go to holiday every summer.
95 My brother takes out the trash.
96 She has a beehive full of bees.
97 Our English test was yesterday.
98 They are running for president.
99 Where are Chris and Kelly from?
100 Why do we need fo study English?
101 Please come as soon as possible.
102 A crease is formed on the cloth,
103 You are getting late for school.
104 It has rained excessively today.
105 Have you been nite I thee party?
106 He sdited + being se thre tines.
107 He works oan enginering company.
108 What did you think 5I: the idea?
109 When do you intend to move here?
110 I will be twenty-seven in April.
111 He has never eaten these pizzas.
112 He will be learning a new skill.
113 I would rather you didn't smoke.
114 Can you tell me what time it is?
115 You had better brush your teeth.
116 Tell me what you're doing today?
117 What do you go by? I go by Jack.
118 All of them want the same thing.
119 I came to America two years ago.
120 She has a teacher's certificate.
121 That?s the mayor of San Antonio.
122 San Diego is over in California.
123 They added water to their juice.
124 He?s the first one to get there.
125 Do your part and you'll be okay.
126 Just go for it. I got your back.
127 department with colorful plants.
128 There is no vibration in th. TH.
129 This company was formed in 1872.
130 I mean the weather is hot today.
131 Detergent is a fast-moving item.
132 The delivery boy just passed by.
133 What do you do? I teach English.
134 I really like your outfit today.
135 I have to go now, see you later.
136 Have you ever tried this before?
137 What's the latest update on you?
138 It's your prerogative to choose.
139 ?The advantages of this are many
140 Are you a very organized person?
141 When did you finish your school?
142 How long have they been married?
143 My father fixed the car himself.
144 1am just going to cut the grass.
145 it usually rains every day here.
146 We go to a gallery every Sunday.
147 The year that I came to America.
148 Her students are still with her.
149 She fills the bottle with water.
150 All the players did their best. .
151 What are your likes and dislikes?
152 These two are more or less alike.
153 Don't ery scut me. Ml be alright.
154 can't excuse myself not doing it.
155 I specialize i tropical medicine.
156 The entire group arrived I force.
157 Which car would make you happier?
158 When did you come here last time?
159 She has learned to speak Spanish.
160 Can you help me with my homework?
161 Where did you lose your bracelet?
162 Work hours are from nine to five.
163 This book is written by Ken Xiao.
164 There are 12 students here today.
165 They were here helping until ten.
166 I'm learning the American accent.
167 Let's meet at noon. See you then.
168 Come to my house to get the book.
169 A gallon is heavier than a liter.
170 They called their daughter Katie.
171 The U.S. is called a melting pot.
172 Yes. I've been there three times.
173 I work in the produce department.
174 This is a very nice neighborhood.
175 OK. I'll be back in five minutes.
176 There were only three roses left.
177 anything in our dairy department.
178 The equator is an invisible line.
179 What's the meaning of being mean?
180 Do you want a pair of sunglasses?
181 He played a character in a movie.
182 End your day with a good thought.
183 I'm going for a walk in the park.
184 I'll be working from home today.
185 What time do you usually wake up?
186 Excuse me, where is the restroom?
187 You have the authority to choose.
188 Please share any updates with me.
189 What's your favorite number? Why?
190 Why haven't you started studying?
191 Who do you love, you can tell us?
192 You should take care of yourself.
193 Where shall I hang this calendar?
194 When did he leave here yesterday?
195 When did you get home last night?
196 How much is that computer system?
197 None of them are going to school.
198 Emma is learning to ride a horse.
199 I like reading detective stories.
200 The book is next to the computer.

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