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Simple Sentence Examples

Records found of :

No Sentence
1 It is
2 in ink
3 at war
4 by law
5 by far
6 by air
7 by sea
8 Go by.
9 There!
10 I can.
11 Go up.
12 He him
13 So-so.
14 He his
15 I see.
16 He has
17 It has
18 Go to.
19 Go on.
20 Add to
21 Rob of
22 To go.
23 To do.
24 Go in.
25 It is.
26 He is.
27 in time
28 in debt
29 in fact
30 in full
31 in gear
32 in good
33 in hand
34 on oath
35 on bail
36 on show
37 at risk
38 at most
39 at noon
40 by luck
41 by land
42 by hand
43 on him.
44 May be.
45 Or not.
46 Had to.
47 Hot tub
48 Wei Ke.
49 Thanks.
50 We are.
51 We too.
52 We can.
53 It can.
54 Get up.
55 In use.
56 Use up.
57 Use to.
58 How to.
59 I said.
60 A word.
61 She is.
62 You do.
63 I will.
64 To her.
65 She her
66 To him.
67 She has
68 He has.
69 It has.
70 Has it?
71 It did.
72 Did it?
73 No way.
74 Who is?
75 To who?
76 01, any
77 Anyone.
78 Parted.
79 Depart.
80 Get in.
81 Get on.
82 Get to.
83 Thanks!
84 One man
85 A show.
86 For me.
87 through
88 Helper.
89 Line 1.
90 Line 2.
91 Me too.
92 Set up.
93 Set on.
94 Set in.
95 Sunset.
96 Wanted.
97 I also.
98 Me too!
99 Talk to
100 Turn to
101 Cure of
102 Hear of
103 Hope of
104 il pay.
105 The ice
106 Out of.
107 To see.
108 Due to.
109 I'm in.
110 Get it.
111 It was.
112 Put on.
113 you are
114 in haste
115 on watch
116 on diet
117 ona trip
118 on board
119 on order
120 at sight
121 at issue
122 at large
123 at least
124 at night
125 at peace
126 by birth
127 by check
128 by force
129 by heart
130 by sight
131 Youturn.
132 Join me.
133 I gotit.
134 healthy.
135 Not yet.
136 ?m good.
137 Will be.
138 Must be.
139 At home.
140 At work.
141 At last.
142 Look at.
143 Good at.
144 One day.
145 Have to.
146 One this
147 Or else.
148 Had fun.
149 By noon.
150 By hand.
151 Pass by.
152 Hot day.
153 We will.
154 You can.
155 Can you?
156 Jump up.
157 Kick up.
158 Pick up.
159 Wake up.
160 Make up.
161 Grow up.
162 For use.
163 Use for.
164 How far.
165 He said.
166 As said.
167 To each.
168 She can.
169 She too.
170 He does.
171 Will do.
172 One way.
173 So many.
174 I would.
175 Like it.
176 So much.
177 So well.
178 So good.
179 This is.
180 For her.
181 For him.
182 She has.
183 Look in.
184 Do more.
185 I could.
186 Go with.
187 Go head.
188 Come up.
189 Come to.
190 Come on.
191 Come in.
192 Today do
193 How did?
194 My book.
195 My name.
196 A sound.
197 No need.
198 No time.
199 Most of.
200 For who?

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