word |
symposium |
sack | big bag | sacked | to throw out |
sacredness | sanctity |
sad | unhappy |
safe | secure |
salt | xanthate |
same | identical alike equivalent |
save | preserve |
say | inform notify advise |
say/tell | recount narrate explain |
scared | afraid alarmed terrified |
scathing | vituperative |
scold | yell at |
scrawny | gaunt |
search | quests |
seaweed | kelp |
second | sec |
see | look |
select | choose |
sensible | judicious |
separate | divide |
serene | peaceful tranquil calm |
serious | grave solemn pensive |
serviette | napkin |
shake | quacking |
shaky | precarious |
shiver | tremble |
shocking | outrageous |
short | brief |
shorten | abbreviate |
show | display present note |
showy | gaudy |
shrewd | clever cunning crafty |
shrine | holy place |
shrink | quails |
shut | close |
sick | queasy |
significant | meaningful |
silent | quiet |
simple | easy |
simultaneously | together |
sincere | honest |
sing | yodel |
skeptic | sceptic |
skeptical | doubtful |
skill | ability |
slack | loose |
slake | satiate |
sleeping | dormant |
sleepy | drowsy |
slice | segment |
slim | sender |
slow | late unhurried gradual |
sluggish | listless lethargic inactive |
slurp | quaffs |
small | little insignificant trivial |
smart | wise |
smooth | slick glossy level |
sociable | friendly cordial gregarious |
solid | opaque |
solvent | xylol |
sorrow | woe anguish grief |
sorting | triage |
sound | knell |
souvenir | memento |
special | exceptional notable particular |
specimen | example |
spend | thrift who spends |
spill | for liquid |
spine | backbone |
splendid | wonderful |
spoil | scuttle |
sprint | dash |
squeeze | compress |
stable | steady unchanging settled |
stage | juncture |
stagnate | vegetate |
steady | firm |
stiff | firm/hard |
stoic | patient |
stomach | belly |
stop | cease halt stay |
story | tale mythlegend |
straits | bankrupt |
strange | odd peculiar |
strangle | stuck somewhere |
stream | wadi |
strenuous | vigorous laborious |
strict | stringent severe stern |
stroll | mosey |
stroll/wander | to roam |
strong | powerful mighty potent |
struggle | conflict |
stubborn | obdurate |
stupid | unintelligent dense foolish |
stupidity | inanity |
stylish | rakish |
subdue | vanquish |
submit | conform |
subtract | deduct |
succeed | follow |
success | victory |
sufficient | enough |
sugar | xylose |
suggest | propose |
sullen | gloomy |
support | undergird |
surplus | excess additional, extra |
sustain | to, remain |
swamp | quagmire |
swift | fast, and, smooth |
swindle | scam |
symbolize | represent |
symptom | manifestation |
synonyms | replacement, alternative, word |
syrupy | treacly |