word | symposium | pale | wan |
pardon | forgive |
part | portion share |
particular | specific |
particularly | especially |
passing | transient |
passion | hunger to achieve |
patriotic | one who loves |
patriotism | jingoism |
pause | hesitate |
peaceful | quiet |
peculiar | eccentric |
perceptible | tactile |
perception | insight |
perfect | flawless |
permanent | ineradicable |
perseverance | patience |
personified | incarnate |
perturb | upset |
pester | importune |
piece | portion |
pinnacle | at the top |
pit | nadir |
pitiless | implacable |
place | space area spot |
plan | plot scheme draw |
planned | deliberate |
plausible | believable |
pleasing | nice |
pluck | to break something |
plump | chubby |
polish | hone |
polite | gracious refined courteous |
poll | ballot |
poor | destitute impoverished |
popular | accepted current celebrated |
portion | part segment piece |
position | upend |
positive | certain |
possibility | viability |
possible | feasible |
potent | virulent |
praise | compliment |
prattle | yack |
preceding | past |
precisely | exactly |
predicament | quandary jam problem |
premature | early |
premises | area |
prestigious | very important |
prevail | which remains |
previous | former |
prized | precious |
problem | hydra |
prodding | encourage |
prohibit | forbid |
promote | encourage |
prompt | punctual timely |
prosper | thrive |
protect | defend |
provide | supply |
provoke | antagonize |
prudence | sagacity |
punctual | prompt |
purchase | buy |
push | shove propel |
pushy | aggressive |
put | place set attach |