word | symposium | abandon | to leave something |
abode | place where you |
abroad | overseas |
abstraction | deduct |
abundant | plentiful |
accept | approve |
acceptance | voguism |
accomplish | achieve |
accord | agreement |
accurate | perfect |
achieve | accomplish |
acquire | gain |
acquit | release |
active | energetic |
adamant | firm |
add | increase |
adequate | sufficient |
admission | matriculation |
admit | confess |
adroit | expert |
adversity | difficulty |
aggressive | assertive |
agility | quickness |
agitate | roil |
agree | consent |
aid | help |
airtight | hermetic |
alike | same |
allow | permit |
allure | attract |
alteration | change |
always | forever |
amateur | beginner |
amazing | incredible unbelievable improbable |
ambience | environment |
ambition | dreams |
ambitious | aspiring |
ambush | onslaught |
amiable | friendly |
amount | quantity |
ample | abundant |
amusing | comical |
ancestry | lineage |
anger | enrage infuriate arouse |
angry | mad furious |
anniversary | jubilee |
annoy | to disturb someone |
annual | yearlong |
anonymous | nameless |
answer | reply respond retort |
antagonistic | hostile |
antique | old item |
anxious | nervous |
apeirogon | zerogon |
apogee | vertex |
apparent | evident |
applause | kudos |
appreciation | to applaud one?s |
appreciative | grateful |
apprehension | trepidation |
approaching | upcoming |
approve | accept |
arid | dry |
arouse | excite |
arrive | reach |
arrogant | proud |
artisan | journeyman |
artistry | taxidermy |
ascetic | reclusive |
ask | question inquire query |
assault | attack |
assemblage | quorum |
assets | earnings |
assist | aid |
assistance | relief |
astonishing | surprising |
attire | dress |
attract | lure |
attractive | beautiful pretty |
attribute | impute |
audacious | gallant |
authentic | genuine |
authenticity | veracity |
authority | regnant |
autobus | jitney |
average | yardstick |
awareness | sensibility knowledge |
away | absent |
awful | dreadful terrible abominable |