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Verbs List With Images And Examples
word |
symposium |
idea | concept notion view | identical | alike duplicate |
idiot | box tv |
idol | juggernaut |
ignore | snub |
ill | sick |
illegal | illicit |
illusion | mirage |
imitate | to copy |
imitation | fake |
immaculate | spotless pure |
immediate | instantly |
immense | gigantic |
imminent | impending |
impact | affect |
impair | damage |
impartial | neutral |
imperative | urgent |
important | necessary vital critical |
impudent | flippant |
impulsive | impetuous |
inactivity | inertia |
incarnation | birth |
incessant | perpetual |
inconsiderate | thoughtless |
incorrect | FALSE |
incredible | fantastic |
indirect | oblique |
inducement | incentive |
industrious | hard working |
inevitable | unstoppable |
infamous | notorious |
infect | contaminate |
inferior | lesser substandard |
infertile | barren |
influence | persuade |
influenced | prejudiced |
informal | casual |
infuriate | enrage agitate provoke |
ingenious | clever creative original |
initiate | beginning |
innocent | harmless |
inopportune | untimely |
inquiry | inquisition |
inroads | affect |
insomnia | sleeplessness |
inspect | examine |
instill | inculcate |
instinct | inner ability |
institution | seminary |
instructions | directions |
insufficient | inadequate |
intelligent | smart |
intend | mean |
interesting | lively racy spicy |
interrogation | queries |
intimate | inform |
intolerant | bigoted prejudiced |
intrude | trespass |
invade | attack |
inventory | stock |
inverse | reciprocal |
invincible | unconquerable |
invoice | bill |
irrelevant | inappropriate unrelated |
irreverent | jejune |