word | symposium | fair | just impartial unbiased |
fairness | equity |
fake | bogus forged |
fall | topple tumble drop |
famous | noted notorious eminent |
fanatism | zealotry |
fantastic | great |
fantasy | fiction |
far | flung very far |
fast | quick |
fasten | knit |
fastidious | painstaking |
fat | stout fleshy beefy |
fatal | deadly mortal killing |
fate | destiny |
fatigue | tire exhaust |
faulty | defective |
fear | terror alarm fright |
feeble | weak |
ferry | boat |
festal | gala |
fetch | to get |
fewest | least |
fiction | fantasy untruth myth |
fierce | ferocious |
figure | mandala |
fill | load pack |
filling | woof |
final | last |
finest | best |
finish | complete |
firm | adamant |
flame | sear |
flaw | mistake |
flexible | bendy |
flinches | demerit |
flippant | excess talkative |
fluency | lucidity |
fluid | ichor |
fluke | bichance |
fly | soar hover flit |
following | after |
foolproof | infallible |
footing | traction |
forbid | to deny |
forever | always |
formerly | previously |
formidable | herculean |
fortunate | lucky |
fourth | quadrant |
fracture | break |
fragile | week |
frail | flimsy |
francisco | xavier |
freak | insane |
friendly | xenial |
frightened | afraid |
frigid | freezing frosty |
frivolous | trivial unimportant silly |
frothy | yeasty |
fruitful | fertile |
fuddyduddy | old fashioned |
fundamental | essential |
funny | amusing droll silly |
furious | angry enraged infuriated |
fury | frenzy |
future | coming tomorrow |
FALSE | groundless, fake, untrue |