Fatty high-protein foods, especially animal products
1.5 million Americans have a form of lupus
Systemic lupus erythematosus accounts for about 70% of all cases of lupus
90% of people with lupus are women
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease; the most common type of the ailment is called systemic
lupus erythematosus (or SLE) Symptoms include arthritic joint pain, debilitating fatigue, and dry
mouth; a telltale sign is a rash on the face that resembles butterfly wings Lupus can also damage
organs throughout the body, particularly the kidneys Although a mild disease for many, for some
people, lupus can be serious and even life threatening
Lupus is believed to be caused by a genetic predisposition, triggered by environmental factors,
such as a virus; it may be worsened by other factors, such as sun exposure, infection, stress, and
certain foods and drugs
Nutrition Connection
Because lupus is an inflammatory disease, it helps to increase your intake of foods that fight and
reduce inflammation and support overall health However, it’s important to be aware of foods that
may interact with certain medications Here are some guidelines, but discuss any issues with your
doctor or a dietician:
Go for variety Eat a variety of foods that are rich in antioxidants and nutrients Foods such as
broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower contain indoles which alter the metabolism of estrogen in a way
that has a positive impact on lupus Eating a colorful variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
can also protect lupus sufferers from heart disease in addition to providing essential nutrients
Add omega-3s Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially oily fish, which have anti-
inflammatory effects and may help relieve the joint pain, soreness, and stiffness associated with
lupus Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, herring, walnuts, flaxseeds,
and flax oil
Find sources of vitamin D Because most people with lupus need to avoid exposure to the sun,
they should make sure their diet provides adequate amounts of vitamin D Good sources include milk
and fortified soy and rice beverages Vitamin D supplements are likely required
Seek calcium Because steroids increase your risk of osteoporosis, consume plenty of calcium-
rich dairy products, fish with bones, and dark green leafy vegetables, like kale and spinnach
Supplements may be required
Eat foods rich in vitamin E Preliminary animal studies have found that vitamin E may slow the
progress of lupus The best food sources of vitamin E include nuts, seeds, oils, and wheat germ Talk
to your doctor before taking vitamin E in supplement form
Avoid alfalfa in any form Even herbal supplements containing alfalfa worsen lupus symptoms;
other legumes may have a similar effect
20% of people with lupus have a parent or sibling who already
has or will develop lupus
Avoid or limit mushrooms and some smoked foods These may also cause problems for lupus
Avoid foods containing psoralens The majority of those with lupus experience worsening of
symptoms when exposed to the sun or unshielded fluorescent light Avoid foods containing psoralens,
such as celery, parsnips, parsley, lemons, and limes, which heighten photosensitivity
Limit high-protein, high-fat foods Many lupus sufferers note an improvement after they decrease
the consumption of fatty high-protein foods, especially animal products Some experts recommend a
vegetarian diet that allows eggs, skim milk, and other low-fat dairy products
Beyond the Diet
The following recommendations may help prevent or manage lupus flare-ups:
Rest The constant fatigue from lupus can take a toll Get plenty of rest and sleep as necessary to
let your body recuperate
Protect yourself from the sun Avoid UV light by wearing a hat and protective clothing, and
always use sunscreen
Exercise regularly In addition to promoting overall well-being, exercise can help you recover
from a flare-up, reduce your chances of getting heart disease, and fight depression
Don’t smoke Smoking can lead to coronary artery disease For those with lupus, smoking can
greatly increase the risk of damaging your heart
Some medications that lupus sufferers take may interact with various foods Watch out for:
Grapefruit Although generally rcommended for most lupus patients, do not consume grapefruit or
grapefruit juice if you are taking cyclosporine, a powerful immune system suppressor Grapefruit can
dramatically increase the body’s ability to absorb cyclosporine, leading to severe toxicity
Sodium If you are taking corticosteroids, cut back on salt It will increase water retention and
contribute to steroid-induced high blood pressure
Stick to a medication regimen Your doctor may prescribe NSAIDs or aspirin, antimalarial
drugs, corticosteroids, or immune suppressors