10 to 15% of North Americans have gallstones, including more than 20 million Americans annually
Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones
People who are moderately overweight or obese
People who crash crash diet often
The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile, a fluid produced by the liver to digest fats in the
small intestine Bile fluid contains high levels of cholesterol and the pigment bilirubin, both of which
can form stones
For many, gallstones are symptomless and do not require treatment For others, however, the
presence of gallstones can cause pain in the upper right abdomen when the gallbladder contracts to
release bile after a meal, and can cause inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) that brings on
sudden, severe pain extending to the back and under the right shoulder blade, with fever, chills, and
vomiting If stones obstruct the flow of bile, the skin and the whites of the eyes become jaundiced
Left untreated, stones can lodge in the bile duct and cause inflammation of the liver or pancreas
Nutrition Connection
These guidelines and strategies can help:
Eat right Monitor foods to avoid any that cause discomfort Diets should include plenty of whole
grains with lots of fruits and vegetables, moderate servings of protein, and small amounts of fat It is
best to avoid alcohol Also, eat more foods with vitamins C, E, and calcium Such foods include
tomatoes, salmon, and nuts
Always eat breakfast A substantial breakfast causes the gallbladder to empty itself and flush out
any small stones and stagnant bile
Consume small, frequent meals Small meals can help spur the gallbladder to empty stones and
bile, while eating 5 to 6 meals spaced throughout the day encourages routine gallbladder function
Avoid extreme dieting Bile is likely to form stones after you fast Seek a weight loss program that
helps you lose weight without long restrictive periods
To prevent gallstones, eat a high-fiber diet A variety of fruits and vegetables and whole grains
may help prevent gallstones from forming
Bump up unsaturated fats Sources of polyunsaturated fat such as walnuts, flaxseeds, and salmon,
and foods rich in monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil and avocado, may also prevent gallstones
Limit fatty and sugary foods Foods rich in saturated fat, and trans fat, such as red meat, chicken
skin, butter, cheese, and processed foods, may increase the risk of gallstone formation Sugar foods,
such as cakes and cookies, can also be a problem
Drop pounds slowly
Shedding extra pounds is good for your health, but keep the weight loss at a slow, steady pace of
about 1 to 2 pounds a week Rapid weight loss increases your risk of getting gallstones
Beyond the Diet
Try these tips to help deal with existing gallstones or to prevent them from forming in the first place:
Maintain a healthy weight A large clinical study showed that being even moderately overweight
increases the risk of developing gallstones Obesity is a major risk factor, especially for women
Consider supplements Those who do not get enough vitamins C or E or calcium in their diet may
have an increased risk Speak to your doctor before taking any supplements; as in most cases, it’s best
to get your vitamins and minerals from foods
Talk to your doctor about treatment For frequent painful attacks, the usual treatment is the
surgical removal of the gallbladder, called cholecystectomy The procedure can be performed by
conventional surgery or by laparoscopy, which involves a tiny incision and a brief hospital stay
Another option is a procedure called lithotripsy, which uses shock waves to break up the gallstones