We believes that renal failure once it started it cannot go away,it is life time disease,it progress to end stage that require renal replacement therapy. In many cases disease progression could be avoided if there was some health education to early detection and proper management.
We believe the end stage renal failure is not the end of life, instead it is beginning of new life.
Putting this in patient,family mind will improve the general health state, minimizing mortality and morbidity, for that the mortality is very high in the first three months of starting dialysis therapy
We convinced that the new patient is still not orient to their disease,and trying to seek medical advices from unauthorized persons which lead to troubles and worse their health state and psychology depression, or it can lead to death.
We believe there is no one right opinion and the other opinion is incorrect, each specialized physician have different opinion in his treatment plan,that mean he is not bad doctor, always believe in one physician and follow with him
In this site we try to post whatever we can to:
What We have cover