Breads, pastas, and other foods made with white flour
African American women
Women ages 40 to 50
Identical twins of women with fibroids
Women who took birth control pills at 13 to 16 years of age
Uterine fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) tumors of the uterus and are the leading cause for
hysterectomies in the United States Fibroids are common in women during their childbearing years
and can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, longer-lasting periods, cramping, lower back pain, pain
during intercourse, and bleeding between periods
Researchers are still working on determining what causes fibroids The current thinking is that
hormones, especially estrogens and progesterone, play a role
Nutrition Connection
These dietary tips will help minimize the impact of fibroids:
Reduce high-carb foods Researchers who study fibroids say that eating too many refined carbs
(breads, pastas, and other foods made with white flour; sugary treats) leads to high, prolonged levels
of blood glucose That can lead to higher blood levels of estradiol, a potent estrogen, which could
theoretically fuel the development of fibroids
Get milk Milk and other dairy products substantially lower the risk for developing fibroids
Gobble oranges Women who eat a couple of oranges a day have a lower fibroid risk than women
who ate fewer oranges But OJ is no substitute for the real deal—drinking it doesn’t lower a woman’s
Graze on green veggies Eating more than a serving a day of green vegetables slashes fibroid risk
by 50%
Abstain from beer Women who have one or more beers a day increase their fibroid risk by 50%
Drop a few pounds Women who have fibroids tend to be overweight Being obese ups your risk
by 20%
Beyond the Diet
Some nondietary guidelines will reduce and help manage fibroids, including:
Check your blood pressure The Nurses’ Health Study, one of the largest studies on women’s
health, points to a link between high blood pressure and fibroid development
Do some deep breathing Stress could raise progesterone levels and increase fibroid