Between 8 5 to 15% of North American couples
Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after at least 1 year of trying Many
couples assume that infertility rests with the woman, but men are just as likely to be infertile
The leading cause of female infertility is the failure to ovulate, which may be influenced by the
diet, hormonal imbalances, and other factors Both women who are very thin and those who are
markedly overweight often do not ovulate because the amount of body fat is closely associated with
estrogen levels
A low sperm count is the major cause of male infertility, and for unknown reasons, men worldwide
are producing fewer sperm than a few decades ago Some scientists believe certain pesticides, which
have estrogen-like effects, may be linked to the declining count Alcohol and tobacco use lower
sperm production and should be avoided if there is difficulty conceiving
33% of cases are attributable to the male, 33% to the female (The
remaining 33 % are either both or the cause can’t be identified )
Nutrition Connection
While nutrition is not a leading cause of infertility, it’s important for both men and women to consume
a healthful diet to enhance the chance of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby
Eat a balanced diet that’s rich in essential nutrients Using oral contraceptives for 5 years or
more may cause reduced reserves of vitamins B6, B12, C, and E, as well as calcium, zinc, and other
minerals Inadequate zinc intake may also lower male fertility And even for men who are not
deficient, evidence suggests that vitamin B12 (found in all animal products) may improve sperm count
and motility Eat foods rich in these nutrients—fruits and vegetables for vitamin C; milk and low-fat
yogurt for calcium; and fortified breads and cereals, lean meat, poultry, and seafood for the B
vitamins as well as iron, zinc, and other minerals
Eat foods rich in folate or take supplements Doctors advise women who are pregnant, or who
may become pregnant, to consume lots of folate-rich foods or take folic acid supplements to lessen
the risk of having children with neural tube defects such as spina bifida Good dietary sources of
folate include fortified breakfast cereals, leafy greens, legumes, and orange juice
Limit alcohol Alcohol is known to reduce fertility in both women and men
Limit coffee Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that women who drank more than
three cups of coffee a day reduced their chances of conceiving in any given month by 25%
Go for B12 Other evidence suggests that vitamin B12 (found in all animal products) may improve
sperm count and motility, even in men who are not B12 deficient
Beyond the Diet
Treatment of infertility depends on many factors, including ages of both partners, the length of
infertility, and personal preferences With a little advice and technology, a couple may be able to
conceive Here are general suggestions and approaches:
Avoid smoking Smoking reduces fertility in both women and men
Maintain a healthy weight Any woman who is considering becoming pregnant should try to
achieve her ideal weight before conception Women who are underweight at conception may have
anemia during pregnancy, and the baby may be more at risk for health problems An overweight
woman should diet before trying to conceive; this also lowers her risk of developing high blood
pressure or diabetes during pregnancy
Talk to your doctor or see a fertility specialist See a doctor to determine the cause of infertility
Depending on the cause, fertility drugs, assisted reproductive technology, or surgery may be