More men than women are affected, but prevalence increases with age for both groups, especially for
women after menopause
Those who have a family history
Those who are overweight, drink too much alcohol, or eat too many foods rich in purines
Those who have had an organ transplant
Marked by swelling, inflammation, and excruciating tenderness in the joints, gout most commonly
affects the joints at the base of the big toe, other foot joints, knees, ankles, wrists, and fingers The
slightest touch—even that of a bedsheet—may be unbearably painful during an attack of gout
Avoid overheating
Recent research has found that external heat, such as warm summer days, may play a role in
triggering gout attacks So stay cool to stay pain-free
Long known as “the disease of kings” or “rich man’s disease,” gout has been associated with
overindulgence and high living, as well as obesity But in actuality, gout is a type of arthritis that is
caused by an inherited defect in the kidney’s ability to excrete uric acid
Nutrition Connection
To reinforce the beneficial effect of drug treatment, people with gout should make dietary changes to
help reduce their production of uric acid The following are general guidelines:
Avoid foods that are high in purines Foods with a high content of naturally occurring chemicals
called purines promote overproduction of uric acid in people with a tendency for gout Steer clear of
high-purine foods such as anchovies, sardines, liver, kidney, brains, herring, mackerel, scallops, and
Limit foods with a moderate level of purines Such foods include whole grain cereals, wheat
germ and wheat bran, oatmeal, dried beans and peas, nuts, asparagus, cauliflower, and mushrooms
These may be taken in moderation
Limit your intake of meat, fish and poultry Because meat products are high in purines, you’ll
need to more closely monitor the amount of these foods you eat About 4 to 6 oz (113 to 170 g) is
recommended per day
Eat more plant-based proteins Add more plant-based sources of protein such as soy These
foods contain the essential protein you need without the purines contained in meat products
Consume plenty of liquids Try to drink at least 2 qt (2 L) a day to dilute urine and prevent kidney
stone formation
Limit or avoid alcohol Any alcohol can interfere with the elimination of uric acid Gout sufferers
should drink only distilled alcohols in small amounts
Avoid low-carb diets High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets should be avoided since these diets
encourage the formation of ketones, metabolic by-products that hamper the body’s ability to excrete
uric acid
Lose weight gradually Although losing weight—especially fat around the abdomen—often
prevents future gout attacks, weight loss should be gradual because a rapid reduction can raise blood
levels of uric acid and provoke gout People with gout should avoid skipping meals; fasting also
increases the blood levels of uric acid
Beyond the Diet
Colchicine, a drug derived from the autumn crocus flower, is one of the most effective gout
medications, but it can also cause severe nausea and diarrhea Follow these suggestions to keep gout
under control:
Possibly modify your drug therapy Sometimes gout is brought on by using aspirin or diuretics for
high blood pressure These medicines may interfere with normal kidney function and the elimination
of uric acid
Address other health issues Gout sufferers also may have hypertension, heart disease, diabetes,
and high blood cholesterol Talk to your doctor about the best ways to manage your unique situation