Some children with ADHD may be sensitive to foods containing salicylates, including:
Processed foods
Foods containing dyes, paricularly red or orange dyes
Dried fruits
Salicylate-free foods, such as:
Whole grain breads and cereals
Lean meat and poultry
Milk and cheese
Sugary foods, such as cookies and soft drinks
Children, ages 4 to 17
Adults can also be affected, and parents of children with ADHD are two to eight times more likely to have
ADHD themselves
As of 2007, some 5 4 million children ages 4 to 17 were diagnosed with ADHD—that’s nearly one
in 10 children And a growing number of adults are also being diagnosed
An ADHD diagnosis means someone has six or more symptoms of inattentiveness, hyperactivity or
impulsivity Symptoms must have lasted at least 6 months in at least two different settings, such as
home and school Symptoms might include: making careless mistakes; being easily distracted and
forgetful; talking excessively; interrupting others; and fidgeting
The jury is still out as to whether caffeine improves or worsens ADHD symptoms Because it’s
a stimulant, it makes sense to think caffeine might help ADHD symptoms, just as stimulant drugs
can Researchers support this theory and say that caffeine can lessen impulsiveness and
hyperactivity But if children drink caffeine late enough in the day so that it affects their sleep, it
could worsen symptoms At least one study suggests that women who drink caffeinated soft
drinks during pregnancy are more likely to have children who, at 18 months old, have ADHD
symptoms (interestingly, coffee didn’t have the same effects)
Nutrition Connection
In a 2012 paper in Pediatrics, researchers at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago studied the
diet factor in ADHD They concluded that some children with ADHD do respond to strict elimination
diets such as the Feingold diet, which removes many foods with salicylates from the diet But these
diets are time-consuming and disruptive to the entire family—and they’re hard to implement,
especially as kids get older For most kids, simply avoiding junk food and processed foods is enough
to ease ADHD symptoms; instead, focus on a diet rich in whole grains, plenty of fruits and
vegetables, and lean proteins, especially fish Here’s how:
Nix simple carbs Candy and fruit drinks, soft drinks, and foods sweetened with corn syrup, honey,
and sugar can raise blood sugar levels and may contribute to attention problems
Eat complex carbs Especially later in the day, offering kids a complex carb–rich snack can
promote relaxation and sleep Good choices include whole-grain breads and cereals
Focus on protein Choose foods like beans, eggs, low-fat cheese, fish, and lean meat for breakfast
and for after-school snacks Protein foods may improve concentration
Avoid foods that contain salicylates Some children with ADHD may be sensitive to salicylates,
chemicals that occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables (especially dried fruits) as well as in
processed foods, foods containing dyes, and many medications and household products If you think
certain foods affect your child’s behavior, eliminate them over time to see if symptoms approve
Beyond the Diet
Your doctor will likely suggest behavioral strategies to help your child manage his or her attention
problems Beyond following that advice, try these tactics
Stick to a medication schedule If your doctor prescribes medication for your child, makes sure it
is taken as directed and at the same time every day
Limit TV and electronic games at night These can overstimulate children before bed and make it
harder for them to get the 7 to 8 hours of sleep they need
Play, preferably outdoors Encourage your kids to be active for at least 20 to 30 minutes most
days of the week
Do some deep breathing Teach your kids to stop what they’re doing and take slow deep breaths
for a few minutes, whenever they feel angry or stressed