Anyone who has a family history of thyroid problems
People who’ve had radiation treatments to the neck
Anyone who’s been treated with radioactive iodine or antithyroid medications
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland in your neck isn’t producing enough
hormones An underactive thyroid slows metabolism, causing weight gain and lethargy Symptoms
such as fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, and poor memory are often dismissed as normal signs of aging
People with a sluggish thyroid feel cold, even on hot days, and develop dry skin and thinning hair
Nails grow slowly and become brittle Women often develop menstrual irregularities; constipation is
another common problem
If you’re taking a synthetic thyroid hormone, limit dietary fiber Certain foods (walnuts, soybean
flour), supplements (iron, calcium), and medications (some antacids, ulcer medications, and
cholesterol drugs) can have the same effect To avoid potential interactions, eat these foods or use
these products several hours before or after you take your thyroid medication
13 5 million people with an underactive thyroid are undiagnosed
A simple blood test performed by your doctor will sort out whether or not your thyroid is
functioning normally Treatment usually requires lifelong hormone replacement
Nutrition Connection
These measures can help control hypothyroidism:
Eat more beta-carotene–rich foods The hormone thyroxine that is used to treat hypothyroidism
accelerates the conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A in the body People with hypothyroidism
may need a higher intake of beta-carotene to meet vitamin A needs The best sources: deep yellow or
orange fruits and vegetables, and dark green vegetables
Cook your broccoli Certain vegetables, mainly cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous
vegetables, contain substances known as goitrogens, which block the effects of thyroid hormones
Cooking these foods inactivates the goitrogens
Beyond the Diet
Don’t mess with your meds Even when your symptoms go away, you need to continue to take
your medication to maintain adequate levels and to enable your doctor to monitor the medication’s
effectiveness Consult your doctor before making any changes to your medication
Watch calories and exercise Thyroid disorders and medications can cause weight gain so be
vigilant to limit any unwanted pounds