Women, especially during the 6 months after being pregnant or having a baby
People ages 30 to 60
People with a family history of thyroid disease
People with autoimmune disorders
Hyperthyroidism, in which an overactive thyroid produces too much hormone, is the opposite of
hypothyroidism Instead of everything in your body slowing down, it speeds up The predominant
symptoms are nervousness and jitteriness, and eventually a sense of fatigue prevails People with
overactive thyroids also experience unusual hunger, weight loss, muscle weakness, and rapid
heartbeat They find heat hard to bear and sweat excessively Treatment is aimed at the cause and
involves reducing hormone production either by giving radioactive iodine or antithyroid drugs or by
surgery to remove all or parts of the thyroid
Nutrition Connection
While changing your diet won’t prevent or reverse hyperthyroidism, you can help ease some of the
symptoms by following these guidelines:
Avoid caffeine Additional stimulation is the last thing someone with hyperthyroidism needs
Maintain an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D Because hyperthyroidism may contribute
to thinning bones, it’s important to get enough calcium every day to help prevent osteoporosis (1,000
to 1,200 mg a day) and vitamin D (600 to 800 international units (IUs) a day) Good food sources
include dairy products, soy products, and dark leafy greens like collard and mustard greens
Beyond the Diet
To address concerns about hyperthyroidism, follow these tips:
See an eye doctor Anyone whose hyperthyroidism is accompanied by bulging eyes should be
closely followed by an ophthalmologist
Avoid cold medicines Because some cold medicines contain stimulants, they could overstimulate
people with overactive thyroid or strain their heart