Pinguecula is a yellow, elevated conjunctival nodule, more commonly on the nasal side, in the area of the palpebral fissure.
It is common in persons over age 35 years. Pterygium is a fleshy, triangular encroachment of the conjunctiva onto the nasal side of the cornea and is usually associated with prolonged exposure to wind, sun, sand, and dust.
Pinguecula and pterygium are often bilateral.
Pingueculae rarely grow but may become inflamed (pingueculitis).
Pterygia become inflamed and may grow.
No treatment is usually required for inflammation of pinguecula or pterygium but artificial tears are often beneficial.
The indications for excision of pterygium are growth that threatens vision by encroaching on the visual axis, marked induced astigmatism, or severe ocular irritation. Recurrence is common and often more aggressive than the primary lesion.