People with arthritis, diabetes, syphilis, or cancer
Neuralgia is any type of throbbing pain that extends along the course of one or more of the
peripheral nerves In some cases, doctors can’t find a cause; in others, the cause is an infection or
underlying disease, such as arthritis, diabetes, or syphilis Tumors, both cancerous and benign, can
cause neuralgia, as do structural problems in which nerves become compressed or pinched Sciatica,
the throbbing pain that can extend from the lower back and buttocks to the feet, is one of the most
common examples Various medications, as well as arsenic and other toxins, can also produce
Nutrition Connection
Maintain vitamin B12 levels A deficiency of vitamin B12, found in all animal products such as
poultry and beef, can lead to degeneration of the spinal cord and widespread neuralgia as well as
pernicious anemia
Keep up vitamin B6 The long-term use of hydralazine (a powerful antihypertensive medication)
or isoniazid (used to treat tuberculosis) can result in vitamin B6 deficiency, manifested by sensory
loss and neuralgia Anyone taking these drugs should follow a diet that provides extra B6 Good
sources include lean meat, poultry, fish, spinach, sweet and white potatoes, watermelon, bananas, and
prunes A doctor may prescribe B6 supplements Self-treating with high doses, however, can also
damage sensory nerves
Pump up vitamin E In rare cases, malabsorption problems resulting in low vitamin E levels can
cause a type of neuralgia Good dietary sources include nuts, seeds, wheat germ, vegetable oils,
fortified and enriched cereals, eggs, poultry, and seafood Doctors may also give supplements of 30
to 100 mg a day
Decrease alcohol consumption Deficiencies of the B-complex vitamins can result in neuralgia
involving numerous nerves throughout the body, a condition known as polyneuralgia or
polyneuropathy This condition often occurs in alcoholics, whose diets are generally poor
Beyond the Diet
Medicate to ease pain Various medications can be used to control the pain associated with
Investigate other treatments Other treatments may include physical therapy, nerve ablation, or
local injections of pain-relieving medications