The human body needs energy to survive, this energy come from burning basic nutrients proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which body ingest them in form of food
When human take food/ fluid, it travel though the digestive system where nutrients and water absorbed to the blood
Body organs, tissues and cells utilized these nutrients to produce energy
When the energy utilized, it result in production of undesirable products called creatinine
The creatinine circulate via the blood to reach the kidney
The kidney dispose of the creatinine via the urine
The kidney keep the level of creatinine less than 1.2 mg per dl
When the kidney failed to keep serum creatinine less than 1.2 mg it called renal failure
The pattern of rising creatinine level reflect the type and severity of renal failure
Sudden rising creatinine level called Acute Renal Failure, where gradual rising creatinine level called Chronic Renal Failure
Dialysis is a procedure based on diffusion principle, where two fluids with different solutes concentration pass around semi permeable membrane, solutes with higher concentration will go from high concentration to lower concentration