Importance of well balance diet
All food contains all of the nutrients we need to be healthy, it is necessary to eat various foods in sufficient amounts. A good diet will include many different foods, and sufficient in quantity and quality to meet an individual’s need for food energy and other micro nutrients.
Typical serving size:
½ cup, cooked (62 g), or ½ cup raw (50 g)
Bloating and flatulence
Weight gain
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable in the same family as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage,
and kale
It is rich in vitamin C, folate, and various other phytochemicals linked with good health
cup of raw cauliflower florets has more than 50% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of
vitamin C, 15% of the RDA for folate, and reasonable amounts of potassium and vitamin B6
It also
has bioflavonoids, indoles, and other chemicals that protect against cancer
80% of folate is lost in cooking so eat cauliflower raw
Cook cauliflower fast
To retain flavor and reduce nutrient loss, cook cauliflower rapidly by boiling in a minimum
amount of water or steaming
Too much cooking turns cauliflower mushy and releases sulfurous
compounds, resulting in an unpleasant odor and bitter taste
Health Benefits
May prevent cancer
The high amounts of vitamin C in cauliflower help protect against inflammation
that can lead to cancer
The vegetable is also rich in folate, which may help prevent damage to DNA
that can lead to cancer
Helps lose weight
Because cauliflower is high in fiber and low in calories (25 calories per cup
of florets), it’s an ideal snack food for weight watchers
Health Risks
Bloating and flatulence
Cauliflower and other vegetables in the Brassica family can cause
discomfort, especially those who suffer from gastric disorders such as ulcerative colitis
cauliflower if it triggers symptoms
Save the brine from store-bought pickles and pack it with florets into a jar; refrigerate for several days
Season steamed florets with olive oil, roasted red pepper slivers, and olives
Roast oiled florets with slivered garlic until well browned
Buying Tip
Look for a head with firm, compact florets and a snowy white color
Leaves should be crisp and green
Avoid cauliflower with brown spots or loose sections
Storing Tip
Refrigerate cauliflower in a plastic bag for up to 5 days in the refrigerator crisper