Importance of well balance diet
All food contains all of the nutrients we need to be healthy, it is necessary to eat various foods in sufficient amounts. A good diet will include many different foods, and sufficient in quantity and quality to meet an individual’s need for food energy and other micro nutrients.
Typical serving size:
½ cup, cooked (90 g)
Helps fight cancer
Slows aging
Fights cognitive decline
Aids in glucose transport
Reduces edema
Eases stress
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed asparagus possessed medicinal properties, from alleviating
toothaches to preventing bee stings
Such things are mythical, but asparagus does contain a good supply of
vitamins and minerals
Asparagus can be found in green and white varieties
Green asparagus is the most common in the U
while the white is more popular in Europe
Asparagus is low in calories— six spears have just 20 calories
It also contains vitamins C and K
and folate
Health Benefits
Slows aging
The antioxidants in asparagus may help put a brake on the aging process
Fights cognitive decline
The folate in asparagus works with vitamin B12 to help prevent
cognitive impairment
Reduces edema (swelling)
Asparagus contains the natural diuretic asparagine, which helps your
body get rid of excess fluid and salt
This is especially helpful for people with edema caused by high
blood pressure or other heart-related diseases
Relieves stress
Asparagus is high in folate—this B vitamin helps combat stress
Health Risk
Asparagus contains purines, substances that promote the overproduction of uric acid that
precipitates painful attacks of gout
If you have gout, keep your asparagus consumption to a minimum
Dress steamed asparagus with a blend of olive oil and orange juice
Refrigerate cooked, cooled asparagus pieces for snacks or salad add-ins
Wrap slices of smoked turkey around steamed spears for a fast appetizer
Buying Tips
Choose firm, yet tender, stalks
For the green variety, choose stalks with deep green or purplish tips that are closed and compact
Avoid excessively sandy spears
Stalks with a narrow diameter are more tender than thick ones
Storing Tips
Store stalks, with bottoms wrapped in a damp paper towel, in the crisper section of the refrigerator
If you
don’t have a crisper, put them in plastic bags and place them in the coldest part of the refrigerator
Eat asparagus with a day or two, because the flavor lessens with each passing day
50% of people will have smelly urine after eating asparagus