Brand Name & Strength
Hidonac 5 g/25 ml
Not required
Further Dilution
IV infusion
(for Paracetamol Poisoning and non-Paracetamol Acute Liver Failure)
Please refer to
Administration & Infusion rate
IV infusion
(for Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy)
Dilute 600 – 1200 mg in 50 – 100 ml NS
Administration & Infusion rate
IV infusion
(for Paracetamol poisoning)
150 mg/kg in 200 ml D5 over 15 min, followed by
50 mg/kg in 500 ml D5 over 4 hr, then
100 mg/kg in 1000 ml D5 over 16 hr
IV infusion
(for Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy)
Administer over 30 – 60 min
IV infusion
(for non-Paracetamol Acute Liver Failure)
150 mg/kg in D5 over 15 min, followed by
50 mg/kg in D5 over 4 hr, then
6.25 mg/kg/hr in D5 for 67 hr
Storage & Stability
(<25 oC)
(2 – 8 oC)
After Reconstitution
After dilution
24 hr
There are varying NAC regimes for prevention of contrast induced nephropathy, but the most
commonly used regime in a meta-analysis of 10 studies is 600 – 1200 mg BD for 2 days (this is the oral
tablet dose). It is important to note that the meta-analysis is inconclusive on the efficacy of NAC in
preventing contrast induced nephropathy.
In the study on IV NAC for non-paracetamol acute liver failure, no specific dilution was recommended
for IV NAC. However, the dilution of IV NAC used for Paracetamol poisoning can be applied for this
indication (as recommended by product leaflet).