
Each tablet contains: Gliclazide 80 mg.


NIDDM (Type II, maturity-onset diabetes) whenever dietary control and weight reduction in addition to changes in level of physical activity have proved inadequate.


Hypersensitivity to gliclazide, other sul­fonylureas, sulfonamides, or any of the excipients.
Porphyria, or diabetes mellitus complicat­ed by ketoacidosis.


Gliclazide tends to encourage weight gain and should be prescribed for NIDDM (typeII) only if poor control and symptoms per­sist despite adequate attempts at dieting.
Hypoglycaemic reactions may result from overdosage with gliclazide, interactions with certain co-administered drugs, or dietary errors.
Caution in elderly and in patients with severe hepatic or renal impairment due to increased risk of hypoglycaemia. Careful monitoring of blood-glucose concentration is essential; care is required to choose the smallest possible dose that produces ade­quate control of blood glucose.
Institute insulin therapy temporarily during intercurrent illness (myocardial infarction, coma, infection, trauma) and during surgery since control of diabetes with the oral antidiabetic agents is often inade­
quate in such circumstances.

Pregnancy, Lactation, Side Effects,

Overdose, Drug Interactions (see insertleaflet).

Dosage and Administration

Adjust the dose according to the individual response, commencing with 40-80 mg daily and increasing until adequate control is achieved. A single daily dose with breakfast should not exceed 160 mg.
When higher doses are required, a twice daily dosage is advised and divided according to the main meals; 1 tablet with breakfast and 1 tablet with dinner, maxi­mum 320 mg daily.


  • Compliance to diet and regular dosing are important for successful treatment.
    Do not skip meals after the administra­tion of antidiabetic agents.
  • If changing from other oral antidiabetic agent to Glyzide, no transition period is required, whereas when transferring the patient from chlorpropamide, consider the potency and duration of action of it and a washout period of 1-2 weeks between drugs to avoid additive effects which would increase the risk of hypogly­caemia.


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