HEALTHY LIFESTYLE obesity main page


Avoid Obesity = good quality of life.

  • Slim Body
  • COOL body
  • Healty body
  • Highly Motivited
  • Self confidence

    Being overweight or having obesity greatly increases the risk of medical diseases

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
  • Bone/Joint Damage and Accidents

    Obesity is a disease which can result in a lot of damage to your body

  • Difficult breathing at night
  • Hypertension
  • Heart Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Respiratory Disorders
  • Kidney Disease

    Obesity Causes diminished quality of life.

  • Stress
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Enlarged ovaries causing infertility
  • Skin fold rashes

    Avoid Obesity = good quality of life.

  • Slim Body
  • COOL body
  • Healty body
  • Highly Motivited
  • Self confidence

    Being overweight or having obesity greatly increases the risk of medical diseases

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
  • Bone/Joint Damage and Accidents

  • I am more than 18 years old and want to know my ideal body weight

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    Which is often described using terms such as fat, stout or corpulent, is in fact derived from the Latin word obesus. Obesity is a disease, and as such has had an International Classification of Disease code since just after World War II.
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    Obesity missed treatment
    Despite having the status and recognition as a disease, obesity treatment has often been overlooked as a regular component of medical management.
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    Comorbidities associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia, have themselves been treated, and while interventions that aim to reduce body weight are less rigorously and consistently employed. .


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    Anatomic Characteristics
    Anatomic Characteristics of Adipose Tissue and Fat Distribution. Obesity is a disease whose pathology lies in the increased size and number of fat cells. An anatomic classification of obesity from which a pathologic classification arises is based on the number of adipocytes, on the regional distribution of body fat, or on the characteristics of localized fat deposits
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    Hypertrophic Obesity
    Enlarged fat cells are the pathologic of obesity. Enlarged fat cells are often associated with metabolic disorders such as glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and coronary artery disease.
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  • Hypercellular Obesity
  • An increased number of fat cells usually occurs when obesity develops in childhood. This type of obesity tends to be severe. Increased numbers of fat cells may also occur in adult life and this is to be expected when the body mass index (BMI) is >40 kg/m2.

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        After the obesity classified as a disease and has had an International Classification of Disease code since just after World War II, many researches and articles focus on obesity as a disease done to explore it like as definition, obesity classification, causes, complications and management and prevention


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    The amount of energy intake relative to energy expenditure is the central reason for the development of obesity. However, diet composition also may be variably important in its pathogenesis.
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    Several recent papers have suggested that breast feeding may reduce the prevalence of obesity in later life.
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    Over eating
    Voluntary overeating (repeated ingestion of energy exceeding daily energy needs) can increase body weight in normal weight men and women.
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    Dietary Fat Intake
    Epidemiologic data suggest that a high fat diet is associated with obesity.
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    Dietary Carbohydrate and Fiber
    When the consumption of sugar and body weight are examined there is usually an inverse relationship.
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    Frequency of Eating
    The relationship between the frequency of meals and The development of obesity is unsettled.
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    Binge-Eating Disorder
    Binge-eating disorder is a psychiatric illness characterized by uncontrolled episodes of eating, usually in the evening.
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    Night-Eating Syndrome
    The night-eating syndrome is the consumption of atleast 25% (and usually >50%) of daily energy intake between the evening meal and the next morning
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    Dietary Calcium
    Nearly 20 years ago, McCarron reported that there was a negative relationship between BMI and dietary calcium intake
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    Sedentary Lifestyle
    A sedentary lifestyle lowers energy expenditure and promotes weight gain in both animals and humans.
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    Cessation of Smoking
    Weight gain is very common when people stop smoking and is at least partly mediated by nicotine withdrawal. Weight gain of 1–2 kg in the first few weeks is often.
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    Drug-Induced Weight Gain
    Several drugs can cause weight gain, including a variety of psychoactive agents and hormones. The degree of weight gain is generally not sufficient to cause true obesity
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    Growth Hormone Deficiency
    Lean body mass is decreased and fat mass is increased in adults and children who are deficient in growth hormone
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    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    Obesity, particularly central obesity, is common in this syndrome.
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    Patients with hypothyroidism frequently gain weight because of a generalized slowing of metabolic activity. Some of this gain is fat. However, the weight gain is usually modest, and marked obesity is uncommon. Hypothyroidism is common, particularly in older women.

    assessing readiness for weight loss:

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    Has the individual sought weight loss on his or her own initiative?
    Weight loss efforts are unlikely to be successful if patients feel that they have been forced into treatment by family members, their employer,or their physician. Before initiating treatment, health care practitioners should determine whether patients recognize the need and benefits of weight reduction and want to lose weight
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    What events have led the patient to seek weight loss now?
    Responses to this question will provide information about the patient’s weight loss motivation and goals. In most cases, individuals have been obese for many years. Something has happened to make them seek weight loss. The motivator differs from person to person.
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    What are the patient’s stress level and mood?
    There may not be a perfect time to lose weight, but some are better than others. Individuals who report higher than usual stress levels with work, family life, or financial problems may not be able to focus on weight control. In such cases, treatment may be delayed until the stressor passes, thus increasing the chances of success. Briefly assess the patient’s mood to rule out major depression or other complications. Reports of poor sleep, a low mood, or lack of pleasure in daily activities can be followed up to determine whether intervention is needed: it is usually best to treat the mood disorder before undertaking weight reduction. .
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    Does the individual have an eating disorder, in addition to obesity?
    Approximately 20 percent to 30 percent of obese individuals who seek weight reduction suffer from binge eating. This involves eating an unusually large amount of food and experiencing loss of control while overeating. Binge eaters are distressed by their overeating, which differentiates them from persons who report that they just enjoy eating and eat too much.”Ask patients which meals they typically eat and the times of consumption. Binge eaters usually do not have a regular meal plan; instead, they snack throughout the day. .
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    Does the individual understand the requirements of treatment and believe that he or she can fulfill them?
    Practitioner and patient together should select a course of treatment and identify the changes in eating and activity habits that the patient wishes to make. It is important to select activities that patients believe they can perform successfully. Patients should feel that they have the time, desire, and skills to adhere to a program that you have planned together. .
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    How much weight does the patient expect to lose?
    What other benefits does he or she anticipate?” Obese individuals typically want to lose 2 to 3 times the 8 to 15 percent often observed and are disappointed when they do not. Practitioners must help patients understand that modest weight losses frequently improve health complications of obesity. Progress should then be evaluated by achievement of these goals, which may include sleeping better, having more energy, reducing pain, and pursuing new hobbies or rediscovering old ones, particularly when weight loss slows and eventually stops.
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    Goals for Weight Loss and Management

  • Reduce body weight
  • Maintain a lower body weight over the long term
  • Prevent further weight gain .

  • Rate of Weight Loss

  • A reasonable time to achieve a 10-percent reduction in body weight is 6 months of therapy.
  • To achieve a significant loss of weight, an energy deficit must be created and maintained.
  • Weight should be lost at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week, based on a caloric deficit between 500 and 1,000 kcal/day.
  • After 6 months, theoretically, this caloric deficit should result in a loss of between 26 and 52 pounds.
  • However, the average weight loss actually observed over this time is between 20 and 25 pounds.