ECG Strips
Post Test
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Post Test
1. During CPR after an advanced airway is in place, which of the following is true:
A) The breaths should be synchronized with the chest compressions.
B) The goal is 20 or greater breaths per minute
C) Chest compressions should be stopped while giving breaths.
D) One breath every 6 seconds should be given
2. Typically, suctioning attempts in ACLS situations should be:
A) 10 seconds or less
B) 20 seconds or less
C) 5 seconds or less
D) no more than 30 seconds
3. For patients experiencing respiratory arrest with a perfusing rhythm, deliver rescue breaths at 1 breath every ____ seconds.
A) 3 to 5 seconds
B) 6 seconds
C) 10 to 12 seconds
D) 8 to 10 seconds
4. When performing BLS/ACLS you should avoid all of the following except:
A) prolonged rhythm analysis
B) frequent pulse checks
C) taking too long to give rescue breaths to the patient
D) keeping the patient’s airway open
5. Effective resuscitation team dynamics would include all of the following statements except which one:
A) Team leaders and team members should have clear, closed-loop communication.
B) Team members inform the team leader when a task begins or ends.
C) Team members do not question team leader’s orders even if doubt exists.
D) Team leaders define all roles of team members in the clinical setting.
6. The purpose of a Rapid Response Team is:
A) improve patient outcomes by identifying and treating early clinical deterioration
B) reduce hospital costs related to expense of emergency treatment
C) keep floor nurses from having to be involved in emergency situations.
D) all of the above
7. The goal of BLS interventions for a patient in respiratory or cardiac arrest is to:
A) restore effective oxygenation
B) restore effective ventilation
C) restore or support effective circulation
D) all of the above
8. During CPR with an advanced airway in place the compression rate is:
A) ≥ 80/min
B) 90 -100/min
C) ≥ 100/min
D) 100 -120/min
9. Which is not true about the oropharyngeal airway(OPA):
A) The OPA keeps the airway open during bag-mask ventilation.
B) The OPA can stimulate coughing and gagging.
C) The OPA can prevent the patient from biting on an ET tube.
D) The OPA should only be used on a conscious patient
10. When performing the Airway Assessment portion of the Primary Assessment, the following questions should be asked:
A) Is the airway patent?
B) Is an advanced airway indicated?
C) Does the patient have a pulse?
D) both 1 and 2
11. During the (C) circulation portion of the Primary Assessment, the following actions are carried out:
A) look, listen, and feel
B) Obtain IV access, Attach ECG leads, monitor rhythm, given medications to manage rhythm, give IV/IO fluids if needed
C) Obtain IV access, give supplemental oxygen, secure the advanced airway, give IV/IO fluids if needed
D) Check a pulse, monitor heart rhythm, begin CPR if indicated
12. In the Primary Assessment of the systematic approach to ACLS, the D stands for:
A) defibrillation
B) definitive care
C) differential diagnosis
D) disability
13. What is generally considered the most important and clinically significant degree of block?
A) type I (Mobitz I)
B) type II (Mobitz II)
C) third-degree AV block
D) first-degree AV block
14. Which drugs are involved in the Bradycardia Algorithm?
A) atropine, epinephrine, dopamine
B) atropine, norepinephrine, dopamine
C) atropine, lidocaine, adenosine
D) atropine, epinephrine, lidocaine
15. Symptoms of bradycardia includes:
A) acutely altered mental status
B) signs of shock and hypotension
C) ischemic chest discomfort and acute heart failure
D) All of the above
16. The primary decision point in the bradycardia algorithm is the determination of:
A) heart rate
B) adequate perfusion
C) blood pressure
D) rhythm
17. After it is determined that the patient does not have adequate perfusion your first step is to:
A) prepare for transcutaneous pacing
B) observe and monitor the patient
C) give atropine while awaiting transcutaneous pacer
D) use defibrillator set at 200 J
18. What is the first-line agent for treatment of symptomatic bradycardia?
A) atropine
B) lidocaine
C) epinephrine
D) vasopressin
19. Which rhythm is most likely to be associated with symptomatic bradycardia?
B) 2nd degree AVB type two: Mobitz II
C) ventricular fibrillation
D) sinus rhythm
20. The correct dose of dopamine given in the bradycardia algorithm is:
A) 5-20 mcg/kg/min infusion
B) 2-8 mcg/kg/min infusion
C) 5-10 mcg/kg/min infusion
D) 1-5 mcg/kg/min infusion
21. A 40-year-old man arrives at the ER accompanied by his family. He is complaining of palpitations after working outside for several hours. The assessment is as follows: SKIN: Hydrated, pale, warm and dry, CVS: Strong peripheral pulses and a BP of 125/80, RESP: RR is 22, no resp. difficulties, lungs Clear. You start an IV on the patient. The monitor shows the following Rhythm. What is your next intervention?
A) Give adenosine 6mg rapid IV push
B) Attempt vagal maneuvers
C) Perform immediate synchronized cardioversion
D) Give epinephrine 1mg IV push
22. After 1st intervention You see on the monitor same above rhythm with the same clinical condition: What is your next step?
A) Give adenosine 6mg rapid IV push. If no conversion, give 12mg rapid IV push
B) Give adenosine 12mg rapid IV push. If no conversion, give another 12mg rapid IV push.
C) Give Amiodarone 150mg over 10 minutes. May repeat as needed
D) Attempt vagal maneuvers many times until the patient converts to a regular sinus rhythm
23. The patient develops severe chest pain, his rhythm is the same, and his vital signs are: HR 220, BP (not obtainable), and weak pulse. The patient also has LOC changes. Your next step should be?
A) perform immediate defibrillation
B) give 3rd dose of 12mg adenosine rapid IV push
C) perform immediate synchronized cardioversion
D) perform precordial thump
24. the pt. continues to deteriorate. The patient is now unconscious with no pulse and breathing. Below is what you see on the monitor. What is the first and most important intervention?
A) Begin CPR and give 5 cycles before shocking
B) Give Epinephrine 1mg IV push (repeat every 3-5 minutes)
C) Give one unsynchronized shock (defibrillation120-200 J)
D) Place an advanced airway
25. What is your drug of choice for the above Rhythm if still pulseless?
A) Give 1mg Epinephrine IV push (repeat the epinephrine every 3-5 minutes)
B) Give Amiodorone 150mg IV once. If this in not effective give 300mg IV once
C) Give Adenosine 6mg followed by two other doses as 12mg each.
D) A+B
26. Upon a rhythm check, you see, the patient has converted to a normal sinus rhythm and has a pulse (ROSC). As you begin the post-arrest phase, the first primary goal of management the patient is:
A) Maintain Oxygenation and Ventilation
B) Check for Hypoglycemia
C) Check for Hypotension and bradycardia
D) Check for hypothermia
27. Lidocaine can be used instead of amiodarone as an antiarrhythmic during cardiac arrest. What is the proper dosing of lidocaine?
A) 1.5 mg IV first dose, then 0.75 mg IV
B) 3 mg/kg rapid IV push
C) 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV, if no affect 1 to 1.5 mg/kg IV
D) 1 to 1.5 mg/kg first dose, then 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV
28. Great Job! You saved the patient He has been stabilized and intubated, but does not respond to verbal commands. He is transported to the hospital's ICU. Since the patient is not responsive what would be the most important intervention in the post-cardiac arrest phase.
A) monitor waveform capnography
B) obtain an arterial blood gas
C) induce therapeutic hypothermia (TTM)
D) monitor oxygen saturation
29. Scenario data: A 65-year-old male collapses as he is out for his morning walk. A bystander witnessed the collapse, activates EMS, and begins CPR. The EMS team arrives 6 minutes later. The monitor is attached and the assessment is as follows: Skin: cold/clammy/cyanotic. Cardiovascular: no pulse. Respiratory: no respirations. CNS: no response. Monitor: rhythm strip below. What ACLS algorithm are you going to begin this scenario with?
A) Cardiac Arrest (VT/VF branch)
B) Bradycardia (unstable branch)
C) Cardiac Arrest (Asystole/PEA branch)
D) Unstable Tachycardia
30. Epinephrine should be repeated at what frequency for the treatment of Cardiac Arrest?
A) every 3-6 minutes
B) every 3-5 minutes
C) only 3 times
D) after each cycle of CPR
31. After giving the first dose of epinephrine you finish the cycle of CPR. A rhythm check shows that the patient's rhythm changed from to the rhythm below. He also remains pulseless. Your first action is to:
A) Perform CPR for two minutes
B) give another dose of epinephrine 1mg IV
C) give 1 unsynchronized shock (120-200 J)
D) give amiodarone 300mg IV x 1
32. Patient develop sever chest pain; you performed 12 leads ECG. There is an elevation of ST segment on Lead II, III, and aVF. This, means patient have:
A) Inferior MI
B) Anterior MI
C) Lateral MI
D) Posterior MI.
33. The Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) includes the following except:
A) Facial Droop
B) Arm Drift
C) Abnormal Speech
D) Seizures development