about HPV vaccine class, uses, side effects contraindications
HPV vaccine
Short Description
The human papillomavirus?(HPV) vaccine is produced?according to a genetic engineering method, by mixing proteins from the virus?s membrane in a way that stimulates the immune system to produce antivirals, without causing disease.?There are two types of vaccine:
a.?Gardasil protects against types 16 and 18, which cause cervical cancer and precancerous growths in the vulva and vagina, and types 6 and 11, which are responsible for precancerous growths and genital warts.?This vaccine has been approved for use in women between the ages of 9 and 26, but it has been shown to be more effective if used before sexual activity begins.
Also, Gardasil has been approved for use in young males aged 9-15 years to prevent infections caused by HPV types 16, 11, 6 and 18.
B.?Cervarix, which is intended for use in women between 10 and 45 years of age, in order to prevent cervical cancer.?It also protects against types 16 and 18, but also provides some protection against HPV types 45, 13 and 52, which together are responsible for some cases of cervical cancer.
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effect of HPV vaccine in Pregnancy, Fetal Health
and Breast feeding
the follwing drugs will increse HPV vaccine by inhepiting cyp450
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the follwing drugs will decrease HPV vaccine by inhancing cyp450
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