Our lives is a gift from the God, we as human, we should keep our bodies in good health and protect it from any danger it may effect badly on it. Our responsibility to protect lives, seek medical treatment if our bodies feel sick, there is no disease without cure except death. During our lives, we may became sick, by getting medical treatment, we shall improve. Unfortunately there is some medical conditions called cardiac arrest cause cessation of heart lead to sudden death with no time to seek medical treatment. Cardiac arrest can happen in any time, in any place, can be managed by proper immediate first aid. The key of survival is the time. As soon as first aid done, butter results


”من قتل نفساً بغير نفس فكأنما قتل الناس جميعاً ومن أحياها فكأنما أحيا الناس جميعاً“ (سورة المائدة، الآية 32).

If a person slays a man, it will be as if he had slain the whole of mankind, and that if a person saves a man from death, it will be as if he had saved the whole of mankind.