When renal patient could have kidney transplant?

Dialysis patients: most kidney transplanted patients have kidney transplant after starting dialysis until available kidney donorPre dialysis: patient who have chronic kidney disease progress to end stage can plan for kidney transplant before they starting dialysis.
For diabetic patients can plan for kidney transplant when GFR (glomerular filtration rate) reach 20 ml per minute, while for undiabetic 15 ml per minute.
Pre-emptive transplant can improve post-transplant patient and graft survival.

Is me suitable for kidney transplant?

All renal patients less than 75 years old are suitable for kidney transplant if comorbid illness can be treated before the surgery, unfortunately there are some medical conditions cannot be cured

What the risk factors affect kidney survival?

Major risk factors that have an impact on the recipient include age, the presence of diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerotic heart disease, chronic pulmonary disorders, and malignancy. Patient compliance

Types of kidney transplants

There are two general types of kidney transplants
one from a living donor and another from a deceased donor.
A living donor transplant is preferred to the deceased donor because these tend to be better quality kidneys in that the waitlist times tend to be low and graft survival is longer than deceased donor kidneys.

What the suitable donor for me?

Basically the donor should have blood group compatible with yours.
If blood types are not compatible, the donor still may be able to donate directly to you using treatments that lower your blood antibody levels.
In addition, the donor may consider donating through a paired exchange program which would allow you to get a kidney from another donor who is not a match for their intended recipient.

Is There an Age Cutoff for Kidney Donors?

There is no limit for donor age, theoretically it can be from 6 to 80 years.
For the pediatric they cannot legally give their “informed consent” proving that they agree to the procedure, and there is some genetic kidney diseases cannot be detected at this age.
For elderly more than 70 may have ageing kidney
The age may not be a barrier to organ donation