
Each capsule contains: Amoxicillin trihy­drate equivalent to amoxicillin 250 mg or 500 mg. Also oral suspension: 125 mg, 250 mg/5 ml.
Pediatric drops: 100 mg/1 ml


Infections of ear, nose, and throat, dental, respiratory tract, uncomplicated urinary tract, uncomplicated endocervical and urethral gonorrhoea, chlamydial, gastro­enteritis, typhoid and paratyphoid fever,
Helicobacter pylori.


Amoxicillin is contraindicated in patients with a previous history of penicillin hyper­sensitivity. Serious anaphylactoid reac­tions require immediate emergency treat­ment with epinephrine. Oxygen, intra­
venous steroids, and airway management should be implicated as necessary.

Dosage and Administration

Usual Dose
Adults and children above 10 years: 250 mg every 8 hours, in severe infec­tions: 500 mg every 8 hours.
Children 10 years of age and below: 125 mg every 8 hours, in severe infec­tions: 250 mg every 8 hours.
Severe or recurrent purulent respiratory infections: 3 g every 12 hours.
Short – Course Julphamox Therapy
Otitis media in children 3-10 years: 750 mg b.i.d for 2 days.
Dental Abscess: 3 g repeated after 8 hours.
Urinary tract infections: 3 g repeated after10-12 hours.
Gonorrhoea: A single dose of 2-3 g Julphamox with probenecid 1g.
Endocarditis Prophylaxis: (see insertleaflet).
Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori One-week triple therapy regimens:

  • Julphamox 500mg and metronidazole 400 mg, both given t.i.d. in addition to omeprazole 20 mg b.i.d (or 40 mg o.d).
  • Julphamox 1 g and clarithromycin 500 mg, both given t.i.d., in addition to omeprazole 20 mg b.i.d (or 40 mg o.d).
  • Julphamox 1 g, clarithromycin 250 mg (or metronidazole 400 mg), and lansopra­zole 30 mg all given b.i.d.
    Two-week triple therapy regimen:
    Julphamox 750 mg and metronidazole 500 mg, both given t.i.d. in addition to ran­itidine 300 mg at night (or 150 mg b.i.d).
    Two-week dual therapy regimen: Julphamox 500 mg four times daily and ranitidine bismuth citrate 400 mg b.i.d.


ca’ 250 mg, 500 mg x 12, 20, 1000
dp: 20 ml
sp: 125 mg, 250 mg x 60, 100 m