
Hospital stay 2-4 daysRecovery 2-4 weeksContraindications

  1. Poor surgical candidates
  2. Sever psychiatric disorder
  3. Intolerance to general anesthesia
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Drug or alcohol addiction
  6. Untreated esophagitis
  7. Unwillingness or an inability for appropriate long-term follow-up
Potential acute complications

Gastrointestinal obstruction


Anastomotic leaks

Deep vein thrombosis

Pulmonary emboli



Potential chronic complications

Weight regain

Marginal ulcer

Esophageal dilation

Dumping syndrome with reactive hypoglycemia

Small bowel obstruction caused by internal hernias or adhesions

Anastomotic stenoses (stomal narrowing)

Calcium defciency

Secondary hyperparathyroidismIron defciency

Protein malnutrition

Other nutritional and mineral defciencies (A,C,D,E,B and K, folate, zinc, magnesium, thiamine)

Anemia (often related to mineral and nutrition defciencies)

Metabolic acidosis

Bacterial overgrowth

Kidney stones (oxalosis)

Neuropathies (resulting from nutritional defciencies)

Osteoporosis (often caused by calcium defciencies and chronically elevated parathyroid hormone levels)


Potential need to reoperate