FOODS THAT HEAL Citrus fruitsBerriesBrussels sproutsChicken soup and other brothsYogurtWheat germ and wheat bread WHO’S AFFECTED Everyone is susceptible, but children younger than 5, adults 65 and older, and pregnant…
FOODS THAT HEAL Citrus fruitsBerriesBrussels sproutsChicken soup and other brothsYogurtWheat germ and wheat bread WHO’S AFFECTED Everyone is susceptible, but children younger than 5, adults 65 and older, and pregnant…
FOODS THAT HARM Salty and processed foods, such as pickles FOODS THAT HEAL Green leafy vegetablesLow-fat dairy productsLegumesFruits, especially bananasNuts and seedsWhole wheat pastaCarrotsSweet potatoes FOODS TO LIMIT Fatty foods,…
FOODS THAT HARM Red meat, butter, and other foods with saturated fats egg yolksProcessed foods that contain trans fatsRefined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour FOODS THAT HEAL SalmonSardinesTroutAnchoviesCitrus…
FOODS THAT HARM Trigger foods that are associated with binges FOODS THAT HEAL BananasBerriesApplesPearsWhole grain cereals and breadsLean meat WHO’S AFFECTED 0.6% of the US adult population over the course…
FOODS THAT HARM Red meat, butter, and other foods with saturated fats FOODS THAT HEAL CarrotsCornRed pepperDark leafy greens like kale or collard greensFish WHO’S AFFECTED People age 50 and…
FOODS THAT HEAL Prune juiceBerriesWhole grain breads and cerealsSplit peasArtichokesNutsPapayaMilkFishCranberry juiceWater FOODS TO LIMIT AlcoholSpicy foods WHO’S AFFECTED About 300,000 to 425,000 North AmericansWomen are twice as likely as men…
LET FOOD BE THE MEDICINE, AND LET MEDICINE BE THE FOOD EAT, DRINK, AND BE HEALTHY Healthy food is the medicine we give our bodies every day. It can’t cure…
PRESENCE OF ANTIBODIES? AFTER DECTING HLA MATHCING, ONE SHOULD SCREEN THE PRESENCE OF ANTIBODIES. Complement Dependent Lymphocytotoxicity (CDC):IgG antibodies directed against HLA class I (on both B and T cells)…
HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN (HLA) The main part of immune system is human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system (the major histocompatibility complex in humans), it controlled by genes located on chromosome 6.It…
IMMUNE SYSTEM ACTIVATION you should HLA typing in medical lab for you and for the donor.Input here the results for initial assessmentthe best way is to select donor with immune…