In older adults, 80% of firm, persistent, and enlarging neck masses are metastatic in originThe great majority of these arise from squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodi- gestive tractA…
In older adults, 80% of firm, persistent, and enlarging neck masses are metastatic in originThe great majority of these arise from squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodi- gestive tractA…
Idiopathic sudden loss of hearing in one ear may occur at any age, but typically it occurs in persons over age 20 yearsThe cause is unknown; however, one hypothesis is…
ESSENTIALS OF DIAGNOSISMarked acute neck pain and swellingAbscesses are emergencies because rapid airway compromise may occurMay spread to the mediastinum or cause sepsis General Considerations Ludwig angina is the most…
Primary ocular herpes simplex virus infection may mani fest as lid, conjunctival, or corneal ulceration. The ability of the virus to colonize the trigeminal ganglion leads to recurrences that may…
Herpes zoster frequently involves the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. It presents with malaise, fever, headache, and periorbital burning and itching. These symptoms may precede the eruption by a…
ESSENTIALS OF DIAGNOSISNasal congestion, clear rhinorrhea, and hyposmiaAssociated malaise, headache, and coughErythematous, engorged nasal mucosa without intranasal purulenceSymptoms are self-limited, lasting less than 4 weeks and typically less than 10…
Thyroglossal duct cysts occur along the embryologic course of the thyroid’s descent from the tuberculum impar of the tongue base to its usual position in the low neckAlthough they may…
ESSENTIALS OF DIAGNOSISGradually progressive blurred visionNo pain or rednessLens opacities (may be grossly visible) General Considerations Cataracts are opacities of the crystalline lens and are usually bilateralThey are the leading…
Fungal keratitis tends to occur after corneal injury involving plant material or in an agricultural setting, in eyes with chronic ocular surface disease, and increasingly in contact lens wearers.It is…
Older age group, particularly farsighted individuals.Rapid onset of severe pain and profound visual loss with “halos around lights.”Red eye, cloudy cornea, dilated pupil.Hard eye on palpation. General Considerations Primary acute…