Has the individual sought weight loss on his or her own initiative? Weight loss efforts are unlikely to be successful if patients feel that they have been forced into treatment…
Has the individual sought weight loss on his or her own initiative? Weight loss efforts are unlikely to be successful if patients feel that they have been forced into treatment…
Diet The amount of energy intake relative to energy expenditure is the central reason for the development of obesity. However, diet composition also may be variably important in its pathogenesis.…
Anatomic Characteristics Anatomic Characteristics of Adipose Tissue and Fat Distribution. Obesity is a disease whose pathology lies in the increased size and number of fat cells. An anatomic classification of…
Which is often described using terms such as fat, stout or corpulent, is in fact derived from the Latin word obesus. Obesity is a disease, and as such has had…
Minimize the risk factors Age: you can not do any thing, best whishes for long healthy life Obesity: You should avoid obesityYour Body Mass Index is 0You are under weight,…
Approximately 20% to 40% of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus develop diabetic kidney disease. This clinical syndrome characterized by:Persistent albuminuria (> 300 mg/24 h, or >…
A variety of test strips for urinalysis are available. Some have a specific purpose, e.g. Clinistix ® (glucose), Hemastix ® (blood), and Albustix ® (albumin). Others cast a wider net,…
Examination of the urine considered a routine extension of the physical examination in all patients. Appearance Cloudy urine may result from high concentrations of leucocytes, epithelial cells, or bacteria. The…
It supplied about 20 % of cardiac outputCardiac output is about 72 ml per peat, 72 peat per min average 5200 ml per minuteRenal blood flow is about 1-1.2 L/min…
estimated glomerular filtration rate is the calculation that indicates the level of kidney function, based on the results of a creatinine serum corelated to age, gender, muscle mass, and ethnicity.…