Importance of well balance diet
All food contains all of the nutrients we need to be healthy, it is necessary to eat various foods in sufficient amounts. A good diet will include many different foods, and sufficient in quantity and quality to meet an individual’s need for food energy and other micro nutrients.
Typical serving size:
1 medium persimmon (6 oz or 168 g)
Bloating and flatulence
Blood pressure
Weight gain
The persimmon is an exotic fruit with yellow-orange skin, which is at its sweetest when very ripe
There are two major varieties of persimmon in North America
One is the sweet, tomato-shaped
Fuyu; the other is the juicier, crispier, acorn-shaped Hachiya
Fuyus, or nonastringent persimmons,
are eaten when hard, as you would an apple
They’re crisp, sweet, and crunchy, and you can eat both
the skin and the flesh
The Hachiya persimmon has an almost jelly like-texture, with flesh that tastes like honey and
However, unripe they are bitter
The trick is to let the persimmon ripen way beyond what you
would normally expect
It must be soft, squishy, and almost bursting out of its skin with ripeness
When ready to eat or to use in cooking, cut off the top, scoop out the pulp, and discard the seeds
Health Benefits
May reduce cancer risk
Persimmons are high in vitamin A, which regulates cell functions, boosts
your immune system, and may reduce your risk of cancer
Boosts immune system
A powerful antioxidant, the vitamin C in persimmons helps fight off
harmful free radicals, boosts your immune system, and protects against infection
Lowers blood pressure
Persimmons are a good source of potassium, which can improve blood
pressure by offsetting some of the harmful effects of sodium
Potassium may also lower your risk of
recurring kidney stones and osteoporosis
50% of your Daily Recommended amount of Vitamin A is in a
single, medium-size persimmon
Aids in digestion and weight loss
Like other fruits, persimmons are a good source of dietary
The fiber in them can help improve digestion, prevent constipation, and make you feel fuller
faster, which can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
Health Risks
Digestive trouble
A perfectly ripe persimmon can be delectable, but as with any fruit, eating too
many of them in one sitting could prove to be too much of a good thing and you could end up with gas,
bloating, cramps, or diarrhea
Add a cup of persimmon pulp to bread recipes for an additional zing
Chop up some persimmons and add to salsa
Freeze ripe fruit, then scoop out the insides and eat like sherbet
Buying Tip
Hachiya persimmons should be very soft when ripe, while Fuyu are crisper
Seek out unblemished, deeply colored reddish-orange fruit with glossy skin
Storing Tips
Enjoy soft, ripe fruit immediately, because overripe persimmons can become mushy or mealy
Allow any firmer, unripe persimmons to ripen before eating,
To ripen firm fruit, place it in a paper bag at room temperature for 1 to 3 days
Put an apple in the bag
with the persimmon to speed up the ripening process
Ripe persimmons can be stored in the refrigerator inside a plastic bag for up to 3 days
Store puréed persimmon flesh in the freezer for up to 6 months