Importance of well balance diet
All food contains all of the nutrients we need to be healthy, it is necessary to eat various foods in sufficient amounts. A good diet will include many different foods, and sufficient in quantity and quality to meet an individual’s need for food energy and other micro nutrients.
Typical serving size:
½ cup, cooked (65 g)
Bloating and flatulence
Heart disease
Eye conditions
Bone healthy
A member of the cabbage family, kale looks like collards but with curly leaves
It is a hardy autumn
vegetable that grows best in a cool climate, and exposure to frost actually improves its flavor
Although the types of kale that form leafy red, yellow, and purple heads are used more often for
decorative purposes (both in the garden and on the table) than as a food, all varieties are edible and
highly nutritious
Don’t throw out tough leaves
If the leaves of cooking greens are tough and fibrous, remove the stem, roll the leaves up like a
cigar and sliver them for quick cooking
Kale and other dark leafy greens, such as collard greens, mustard greens, and Swiss chard, are
excellent sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which the human body converts to vitamin A: In
fact, a 1-cup serving of cooked kale contains almost a day’s supply of vitamin A and well over 50
percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C
Other nutrients found in a cup of kale include 20 mcg
(micrograms) of folate, 100 mg of calcium, 1 mg of iron, and 310 mg of potassium
It also provides
more than 1 g of fiber and has only 50 calories
Health Benefits
Prevents heart disease
Kale and other cooking greens are rich in vitamin C that may help lower the
levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol, which in turn can reduce the risk of heart disease
The high amounts
of potassium can help lower high blood pressure, which also aids in heart health
Fights cancer
Bioflavonoids, carotenoids, and other cancer-fighting compounds are abundant in
cooking greens
They also contain indoles, compounds that can lessen the cancer-causing potential of
estrogen and induce production of enzymes that protect against disease
Promotes bone health
Most dark leafy greens are rich in calcium and magnesium, which are
important minerals for strong bones
Prevents macular degeneration
Kale and other dark green leafy vegetables contain lutein, which
helps protect your vision against macular degeneration and cataracts
Aids in weight loss
Kale is low in calories but is very filling, making it an ideal, highly nutritious
food for anyone who is weight conscious
Health Risks
Causes bloating and flatulence
Like other vegetables in the cabbage family, kale and similar
cooking greens may cause gas
Add some raw slivered curly kale to salads
Braise chopped mustard greens with plenty of chopped garlic
Layer chopped cooked chard in lasagna
Buying Tip
Look for leaves that have crisp edges and a deep color
Avoid wilted, yellow leaves
Storing Tips
Place in the refrigerator rinsed and slightly damp in a paper towel and in a plastic bag
Use within 3 to 5 days