Unit Patient Safety Day, 18 September 2024: “Improving diagnosis for patient safety”

متزامناً مع اليوم العالمي لسلامة المرضى

يوم التغيير

18 9 2024

تحت شعار (تشخيصك اولاً سلامتك دائماً)

تحتفي وحدة غسيل الكلى مع اسرة المستشفى بهذا اليوم

“Get it right, make it safe!”
Diagnostic errors can lead to negative health outcomes, psychological distress, and financial costs. If a diagnostic error occurs, inappropriate or unnecessary treatment may be given to a patient, or appropriate—and potentially lifesaving—treatment may be withheld or delayed.
Diagnostic Process Steps
• Take a medical history
• Perform a physical exam
• Order diagnostic testing
• Summarize the data to deduce the diagnosis

Clinical History and Interview
Acquiring a clinical history and interviewing a patient provides important information for determining a diagnosis and establishes a solid foundation for the relationship between a clinician and the patient.

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