Flupentixol CLINICAL USE Antipsychotic:Schizophrenia and other psychoses Depression DOSE...
Fluphenazine CLINICAL USE Antipsychotic:Mania, schizophrenia and other psychoses Short-term...
Flurbiprofen CLINICAL USE NSAID and analgesic DOSE IN NORMAL...
Fluvastatin CLINICAL USE HMG CoA reductase inhibitor:Primary hypercholesterolaemia Slowing...
Fluvoxamine maleate CLINICAL USE SSRI antidepressant:Depression Obsessive compulsive disorder...
Folic acid CLINICAL USE Folate-deficient megaloblastic anaemia Supplement in...
Folinic acid CLINICAL USE Folinic acid rescue Enhancement of...
Flucytosine CLINICAL USE Antifungal agent DOSE IN NORMAL RENAL...
Fludarabine phosphate CLINICAL USE B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia DOSE...