Lenalidomide CLINICAL USE Treatment of multiple myeloma in combination...
Leflunomide CLINICAL USE Disease modifying agent:Active rheumatoid arthritis Psoriatic...
Lanthanum carbonate CLINICAL USE Phosphate binder in patients with...
Lansoprazole CLINICAL USE Gastric acid suppression DOSE IN NORMAL...
Lamotrigine CLINICAL USE Monotherapy and adjunctive treatment of partial...
Lamivudine CLINICAL USE Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor:Treatment of HIV...
Lacidipine CLINICAL USE Calcium-channel blocker:Hypertension DOSE IN NORMAL RENAL...
Labetalol hydrochloride CLINICAL USE Beta-adrenoceptor blocker:Hypertensive crisis, hypertension DOSE...
Klean-Prep CLINICAL USE Colonic lavage prior to diagnostic examination...