In 1933 Yuri Voronoy from Kherson in the Soviet Union attempted the first human kidney transplant, using a kidney removed 6 hours earlier from the deceased donor to be reimplanted into the thigh. The recipient died 2 days later as the graft was incompatible with the recipient’s blood group and was rejected1950, successful transplant 44-year-old woman with polycystic kidney disease, Illinois. Donated kidney was rejected ten months later because no immunosuppressive therapy1952 The first kidney transplants between living patients in Paris The kidney failed after 3 weeks of good function1954 kidney transplants between identical twins to eliminate any problems of an immune reaction
The recipient died eight years after the transplantation1964 use of medications to prevent and treat acute rejection1983 introduction of cyclosporine , tacrolimus, mycophenolate, and sirolimus1994 laparoscopic donor nephrectomy