Flatfeet are normal in children until the age of about 2 or 3 years, when the arch starts to develop. Sometimes this fails to happen, resulting in flatfeet (pes planus). In adults, flatfeet are due to fallen arches, which sometimes occurs as a result of weight gain.
Flatfeet sometimes ache, but this can usually be alleviated by using arch supports.
Rarely, corrective surgery may be advised. High arches (pes cavus) may be an inherited condition or may develop as a result of a muscle or nerve disorder.
It may sometimes cause foot pain, which can usually be relieved by using orthotic inserts (special inserts that support the arches). In severe cases, corrective surgery may be advised.
Club foot (talipes) is an inward twisting of one or both feet and is present from birth. It may be treated by repeated manipulation of the foot and special footwear. If this method is unsuccessful, corrective surgery may be necessary.

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